Inbox monitoring for an organization

Inbox monitoring is an optional, pay-per-use feature that maximizes email engagement and reduces deliverability issues by measuring how major inboxes across the globe categorize your email message.

Inbox monitoring generates a report with multiple sections, detailing how a monitored email is delivered. To view the report, go to Reporting > Inbox monitoring report. Typically, the report will be available within a few minutes of sending a monitored email, but complete results may require up to 48 hours.

The inbox tests page shows a chart for the deliverability trend and a list of emails. Click an email to view details. The ISP overview tab provides a high-level look into where your email was delivered across a wide array of global inbox providers. The deliverability falls into the following categories:
  • Inbox
  • Spam - this includes bulk delivery
  • Missing
Additionally, the ISP overview provides data for:
  • SPF - Sender Policy Framework
  • DKIM - Domain Keys Identified Mail
  • DMARC - Domain-based message authentication, reporting, and conformance
  • MTR - Minutes to receive

The diagnostics tab provides deliverability trends.

Options in email settings for an organization

Inbox monitoring must be enabled in email settings by an organization administrator. Standard users can be assigned the right to override the default setting at send time. Each time inbox monitoting is used, a fee is incurred. The options are:
  • Disabled
  • Turn on by default - Any email that isn't an automated group message, autoresponder, or program email will have inbox monitoring automatically selected. Users can deactivate inbox monitoring during the send process.
  • Turn off by default - Users can activate inbox monitoring for individual emails during the send process.
By default, every organization uses the same seed list for all monitored emails. This list includes popular global providers for
  • Consumer mail, such as Gmail and Hotmail
  • Specialized hosting company providers such as Amazon WorkMail and Google Apps
  • Spam filter company providers like Barracuda and Symantec
If you would like to modify the regions and providers included, contact client support to request a change.