Running and debugging processes with the Inspector

The Inspector in IBM® Process Designer is key to an iterative approach to process development. Using the Inspector, individual developers can run processes and services on the Process Center Server or remote runtime Process Servers.

Prerequisite: To run and debug processes with the Inspector, you must be in the Process Designer desktop editor.

You can use the Inspector to demonstrate current process design and implementation in playback sessions. Playback sessions help capture important information from different stakeholders in a process, such as management, end users, and business analysts. Taking an iterative approach to process development ensures that your process applications meet the goals and needs of everyone involved.

The Inspector in IBM Process Designer includes several tools that enable you to complete tasks like the following in each of your configured environments:

Table 1. Tasks for the Inspector tools
Task Description
Manage instances of processes When you run a process, you can view all previously run and currently running instances on the IBM Business Process Manager servers in your environment. You can manage running instances by halting and then resuming them, for example. You can also manage previously run instances by filtering or deleting specific records.
Step through and debug a process For a selected instance, see the currently running step and then move forward through the process, evaluating process execution step by step. A tree display of the process combined with indicators called tokens in the process diagram make it easy to understand where you are in the process. You also have the advantage of seeing the variables used in each step and their corresponding values (where applicable).

See the following topics to learn more about using the Inspector interface.