UpdatePowerEnterprisePool_PowerEnterprisePool Job

Update a Power enterprise pool with the specified pool configuration file.




Invoke this job to update a power enterprise pool with the specified pool configuration file.

Table 1. Request Parameters
Request param Description
FileID File ID number for the pool configuration file after the file has been uploaded to the HMC.


This job would return the job id to be used to poll the Job's status.

Sample Job Request(s)

  <JobRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/systems/power/firmware/web/mc/2012_10/"
 xmlns:ns2="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace/k2" schemaVersion="V1_0">
	    <RequestedOperation kxe="false" kb="CUR" schemaVersion="V1_0">
	        <OperationName kxe="false" kb="ROR">UpdatePowerEnterprisePool</OperationName>
	        <GroupName kxe="false" kb="ROR">PowerEnterprisePool</GroupName>
	        <ProgressType kxe="false" kb="ROR">LINEAR</ProgressType>
	    <JobParameters kxe="false" kb="CUR" schemaVersion="V1_0">
	        <JobParameter schemaVersion="V1_0">
	            <ParameterName kxe="false" kb="ROR">FileID</ParameterName>
	            <ParameterValue kxe="false" kb="CUR">12345678</ParameterValue>

Last updated: Fri, June 23, 2017