Live Partition Mobility on HMC-managed systems

You can use the Hardware Management Console (HMC) to migrate an active or inactive logical partition from one server to another.

The PowerVM® NovaLink architecture enables management of highly scalable cloud deployment by using the PowerVM technology and OpenStack solutions. The architecture provides a direct OpenStack connection to a PowerVM server. The NovaLink partition runs the Linux operating system and the partition runs on a server that is virtualized by PowerVM. The server is managed by PowerVC or other OpenStack solutions.

When a server is co-managed by the HMC and PowerVM NovaLink, and PowerVM NovaLink is in the master mode, you can run partition mobility operations only by using PowerVM NovaLink. If you want to run partition mobility operations by using the HMC, you must set the HMC to the master mode. Run the following command from the command line to set the HMC to the master mode:
chcomgmt -m <managed system> -o setmaster -t norm

Last updated: Tue, March 12, 2019