Cleaning up IBM Spectrum Scale Container Storage Interface driver and Operator by using CLIs

This topic describes the procedure to clean up or uninstall the IBM Spectrum Scale Container Storage Interface driver and the Operator.

To manage IBM Spectrum Scale Container Storage Interface driver, it is essential that the Operator is always running on your cluster. If the Operator is deleted for some reason, ensure to re-deploy it by using the kubectl apply -f ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator.yaml command before you proceed with the following steps:
  1. To stop and uninstall IBM Spectrum Scale Container Storage Interface driver, issue the following command:
    kubectl delete -f
  2. To uninstall Operator and clean up all resources, issue the following commands:
    kubectl delete -f ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator.yaml
    kubectl delete namespace ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-driver
    Note: Delete the secrets for GUI credentials and configmap for CA certificates (if any) under the ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-driver namespace.
  3. To completely remove IBM Spectrum Scale Container Storage Interface driver and the Operator images, do the following steps:
    1. Find the images by issuing the following command:
      # docker images | grep spectrum-scale-csi     v2.1.0   8b6cb1a1743e   4 hours ago     122 MB   v2.1.0   ced0267b0a45   4 hours ago     505 MB
    2. Remove the images by issuing the following command:
      # docker rmi 8b6cb1a1743e
    Note: If you use a different container engine than Docker, replace the Docker commands with the commands of the container engine that you use.
  4. To delete PVC data, unlink and delete the primary fileset that is defined in the file from your IBM Spectrum Scale cluster, by issuing the following commands:
    /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmunlinkfileset gpfs0 spectrum-scale-csi-volume-store
    /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmdelfileset gpfs0 spectrum-scale-csi-volume-store​​​​​​​
    Note: This completely deletes the PVC data, and any PVCs that are created before would no longer be useful even if the IBM Spectrum Scale Container Storage Interface driver is reinstalled.