Kubernetes to IBM Spectrum Scale node mapping

In some environments, Kubernetes node names might be different from the IBM Spectrum Scale node names. This results in failure during mounting of pods. Kubernetes node to IBM Spectrum Scale node mapping must be configured to address this condition during the Operator configuration.

To configure this, add "nodeMapping" section under "spec" in the csiscaleoperators.csi.ibm.com_cr.yaml, as shown in the following example:

   - k8sNode: "kubernetesNode1"
     spectrumscaleNode: "scaleNode1"
   - k8sNode: "kubernetesNode2"
     spectrumscaleNode: "scaleNode2"
If Kubernetes node name starts with a number, then add node mapping for such nodes in this format:

    - k8sNode: "K8sNodePrefix_<Kubernetes Node Name/ID>"
      spectrumscaleNode: "<Spectrum Scale Node Name/ID>"
For example, if Kubernetes node name is, then use the following node mapping:

    - k8sNode: "K8sNodePrefix_198.51.100.10"
      spectrumscaleNode: "spectrumscalenode11"
  • Kubernetes node name is listed by using the kubectl get nodes command.
  • IBM Spectrum Scale node name is listed by the mmlscluster command.
  • All entries for nodes that differ in name must be added.