Upgrading CDP

This section lists the steps to upgrade CDP Private Cloud Base cluster integrated with IBM Storage Scale from existing CDP Private Cloud Base version to a newer CDP Private Cloud Base version.

Note: To ensure that the correct software stack compatibility versions are adhered to, see the CDP Private Cloud Base support matrix.
upgrade CDP

Offline upgrade procedure

  1. Stop all the CDP cluster services from Cloudera Manager. This will stop CDP Hadoop services and CES HDFS Transparency services.
  2. Upgrade the IBM Storage Scale software.

    You can upgrade either manually or by using the installation toolkit.

  3. Upgrade the IBM Storage Scale CSD by running the following steps:
    1. Log in to the Cloudera Manager node.
    2. Copy the latest IBM Storage Scale CSD package from the IBM Storage Scale Installer node to a local directory. For example, /root/latest_csd/.
      # scp <Spectrum Scale Installer node>:/usr/lpp/mmfs/<Spectrum Scale version>/hdfs_rpms/rhel/hdfs_3.1.1.x/gpfs.hdfs.cloudera.cdp.csd-<Latest CSD version>.noarch.rpm /root/latest_csd/

      For example:

      # scp <Spectrum Scale Installer node>:/usr/lpp/mmfs/ /root/latest_csd/
    3. Upgrade the IBM Storage Scale CSD package by running the following command:
      # cd /root/latest_csd
      # rpm -Uvh gpfs.hdfs.cloudera.cdp.csd-<Latest CSD version>.noarch.rpm For example:# rpm -Uvh gpfs.hdfs.cloudera.cdp.csd-1.2.0-0.noarch.rpm
    4. Restart the Cloudera Manager. The restart picks up the new IBM Storage Scale CSD for Cloudera Manager.
  4. Upgrade the CDP stack by following the steps mentioned in Upgrading CDP Private Cloud Base to a higher version.
  5. From Cloudera Manager, start all the services. This will start the CDP Hadoop services and the CES HDFS Transparency NameNodes and DataNodes.
  6. Verify the upgrade. To verify, see Verifying the CDP upgrade.