Monitoring the consumer status

Issue the mmaudit command to determine the current status of your consumer process. You can also stop and restart the consumers on a per node basis.

To determine the consumer status, issue a command similar to the following example:
 # mmaudit all consumerStatus -N hs22n56,c6f2bc3n2
Dev Name  Cluster ID                              Num Nodes 
newfs     6372129557625143312                     2         
          Node Name                               Is Consumer?  Status    
                      yes           AUDIT_CONS_OK
          Node Name                               Is Consumer?  Status    
                        yes           AUDIT_CONS_OK
To stop the consumers on a set of specific nodes, issue:
# mmaudit all consumerStop -N hs22n56,c6f2bc3n2
[I] Node: is a consumer node, and consumer for device: newfs successfully stopped.
[I] Node: is a consumer node, and consumer for device: newfs successfully stopped.
To start the consumers on a set of specific nodes, issue:
# mmaudit all consumerStart -N hs22n56,c6f2bc3n2
[I] Node: is a consumer node, and consumer for device: newfs successfully started.
[I] Node: is a consumer node, and consumer for device: newfs successfully started.

For more information, see the mmaudit command.