IBM Spectrum Scale GUI

Use the following table to access IBM Spectrum Scale GUI documentation.

Table 1. Quick reference for IBM Spectrum Scale GUI documentation
For this information... Go to...
An overview of the features associated with each GUI page Introduction to IBM Spectrum Scale GUI
Installing and updating management GUI
  • Manually installing IBM Spectrum Scale management GUI
  • Installing IBM Spectrum Scale management GUI by using the installation toolkit
  • Manually updating the management GUI
Ensuring high availability of GUI service Ensuring high availability of the GUI service
  • Enabling performance tools in management GUI
  • Node classes used for the management GUI
  • Uninstalling management GUI
Manually installing IBM Spectrum Scale management GUI
Root privilege considerations for IBM Spectrum Scale management GUI Root privilege considerations for IBM Spectrum Scale management GUI
Using IBM Spectrum Scale management GUI on a cluster where sudo wrappers are used Configuring IBM Spectrum Scale GUI to use sudo wrapper
Managing certificates to secure communications between GUI web server and web browsers Managing certificates to secure communications between GUI web server and web browsers
Supported web browser versions and web browser settings for GUI Supported web browser versions and web browser settings for GUI
Managing GUI administrators Managing GUI users
Creating and managing file systems Creating and managing file systems using GUI
Managing snapshots with IBM Spectrum Scale GUI Managing snapshots using IBM Spectrum Scale GUI
Monitoring capacity through GUI Monitoring capacity through GUI
Firewall recommendations for IBM Spectrum Scale GUI Firewall recommendations for IBM Spectrum Scale GUI
Monitoring remote cluster through GUI Monitoring remote cluster through GUI
Performance monitoring options in IBM Spectrum Scale GUI
  • Configuring performance monitoring options in GUI
  • Configuring performance metrics and display options in the Performance page of the GUI
  • Configuring the dashboard to view performance charts
  • Performance metrics
  • Querying performance data shown in the GUI through CLI
  • Monitoring performance of nodes
  • Monitoring network
  • Monitoring AFM and AFM DR
Monitoring system health through the IBM Spectrum Scale GUI
  • Set up event notifications
  • Configure email notifications
  • Configure SNMP manager
  • Monitoring tip events
  • Monitoring thresholds
  • Collecting diagnostic data through GUI
  • GUI issues
  • Directed maintenance procedures (DMP)
  • Configuring call home
GUI limitations GUI limitations

Context-sensitive help available for each GUI page

The context-sensitive help of a GUI page provides a detailed explanation of the features that are associated with the page. The context-sensitive help files are available in the help menu, which is placed in the upper right corner of the GUI page. The following table lists the help information available in each GUI page.

Table 2. Help files available for IBM Spectrum Scale GUI pages
GUI page Help file
Home Home
Monitoring > Dashboards Dashboard
Monitoring > Events Events
Monitoring > Tips Monitoring tip events
Monitoring > Statistics Statistics
Monitoring > Thresholds Monitoring thresholds
Monitoring > Command Audit Log Command audit log
Monitoring > Event Notifications Event notifications
Nodes Nodes
Cluster > Network Monitoring networks by using GUI
Cluster > Remote Connections Monitoring remote cluster through GUI
Files > File System Creating and managing file systems using GUI
Files > Fileset Filesets
Files > Snapshots Snapshots
Files > User Capacity Monitoring capacity through GUI
Files > Quotas Quotas
Files > Information Lifecycle Information lifecycle
Files > Transparent Cloud Tiering Transparent cloud tiering
Files > File System ACL Active file management.
Storage > Pools Pools
Storage > NSDs NSDs
Protocols > NFS Exports NFS exports
Protocols > SMB Shares SMB shares
Object > Accounts Accounts
Object > Users Users
Object > Roles Roles
Services Services
Support > Diagnostic Data Diagnostic data
Support > Call Home Call home