Configuring call home to enable manual and automated data upload

The call home component needs to be configured before it can be used to perform manual and automated data uploads.

The configuration process consists of the following steps:
  1. Configure the call home settings.
  2. Create call home groups.

After performing these steps, you will be able to use the mmcallhome run SendFile --file file [--desc DESC | --pmr {xxxxx.yyy.zzz | TSxxxxxxxxx}] command to upload a specific file to the ECuRep. Any data collection schedules that have been configured will be regularly executed.

Configuring call home settings

To configure call home settings, perform the following steps:
  1. If you are using proxy, configure the proxy settings:
    1. Set the proxy location and authentication settings, using the following command:
      mmcallhome proxy change --proxy-location ProxyLocation
       -–proxy-port ProxyPort [--proxy-username ProxyUsername
       -–proxy-password ProxyPassword]
    2. Enable the proxy using the following command:
      mmcallhome proxy enable [--with-proxy-auth]
  2. Set up the customer information using the following command:
    mmcallhome info change --customer-name CustomerName
     --customer-id CustomerId --email Email --country-code CountryCode
  3. Set up the scheduled data collection if needed, using the following commands:
    mmcallhome schedule add --task DAILY
    mmcallhome schedule add --task WEEKLY
  4. Enable the call home capability using the following command:
    mmcallhome capability enable

Creating call home groups

There are two ways to create call home groups: automatically and manually.

Automatic group creation allows users to create homogenous groups, assigning all compatible cluster nodes to one of the groups. Automatic group creation is performed using the mmcallhome group auto command. For more information regarding the automatic group creation, see Configuring the call home groups automatically.

Manual group creation allows the users to fine tune the contents of the call home groups. For example, you can make the following changes to the call home groups:
  • Grouping specific nodes within a group.
  • Create call home groups with inhomogeneous sizes.
  • Change the contents of an existing group without influencing other groups.
Manual group creation is performed using the mmcallhome group add command. For more information regarding the automatic group creation, see Configuring the call home groups manually.