Command reference

A list of all the GPFS™ commands and a short description of each is presented in this topic.

Table 1 summarizes the GPFS-specific commands.
Table 1. GPFS commands
Command Purpose
gpfs.snap command Creates an informational system snapshot at a single point in time. This system snapshot consists of information such as cluster configuration, disk configuration, network configuration, network status, GPFS logs, dumps, and traces.
mmaddcallback command Registers a user-defined command that GPFS will execute when certain events occur.
mmadddisk command Adds disks to a GPFS file system.
mmaddnode command Adds nodes to a GPFS cluster.
mmadquery command Queries and validates Active Directory (AD) server settings.
mmafmconfig command Can be used to manage home caching behavior and mapping of gateways and home NFS exported servers.
mmafmctl command This command is for various operations and reporting information on all filesets. It is recommended to read the IBM Spectrum Scale: Administration Guide AFM and AFM Disaster Recovery chapters in conjunction with this manual for detailed description of the functions.
mmafmlocal command Provides a list of cached files and file statistics such as inode number, allocated blocks, and so on.
mmapplypolicy command Deletes files, migrates files between storage pools, or does file compression or decompression in a file system as directed by policy rules.
mmaudit command Manages setting and viewing the file audit logging configuration in IBM Spectrum Scale.
mmauth command Manages secure access to GPFS file systems.
mmbackup command Performs a backup of a GPFS file system or independent fileset to an IBM Spectrum Protect server.
mmbackupconfig command Collects GPFS file system configuration information.
mmblock command Manages the iSCSI block service.
mmbuildgpl command Manages prerequisite packages for Linux and builds the GPFS portability layer.
mmcachectl command Displays information about files and directories in the local page pool cache.
mmcallhome command Manages the call home operations.
mmces command Manages CES configuration.
mmcesdr command Manages protocol cluster disaster recovery.
mmchattr command Changes attributes of one or more GPFS files.
mmchcluster command Changes GPFS cluster configuration data.
mmchconfig command Changes GPFS configuration parameters.
mmchdisk command Changes state or parameters of one or more disks in a GPFS file system.
mmcheckquota command Checks file system user, group and fileset quotas.
mmchfileset command Changes the attributes of a GPFS fileset.
mmchfs command Changes the attributes of a GPFS file system.
mmchlicense command Controls the type of GPFS license associated with the nodes in the cluster.
mmchmgr command Assigns a new file system manager node or cluster manager node.
mmchnode command Changes node attributes.
mmchnodeclass command Changes user-defined node classes.
mmchnsd command Changes Network Shared Disk (NSD) configuration attributes.
mmchpolicy command Establishes policy rules for a GPFS file system.
mmchpool command Modifies storage pool properties.
mmchqos command Changes the Quality of Service for I/O operations (QoS) settings for a file system.
mmclidecode command Decodes the parseable command output field.
mmclone command Creates and manages file clones.
mmcloudgateway command Creates and manages the cloud storage tier.
mmcrcluster command Creates a GPFS cluster from a set of nodes.
mmcrfileset command Creates a GPFS fileset.
mmcrfs command Creates a GPFS file system.
mmcrnodeclass command Creates user-defined node classes.
mmcrnsd command Creates Network Shared Disks (NSDs) used by GPFS.
mmcrsnapshot command Creates a snapshot of a file system or fileset at a single point in time.
mmdefedquota command Sets default quota limits.
mmdefquotaoff command Deactivates default quota limit usage.
mmdefquotaon command Activates default quota limit usage.
mmdefragfs command Reduces disk fragmentation by increasing the number of full free blocks available to the file system.
mmdelacl command Deletes a GPFS access control list.
mmdelcallback command Deletes one or more user-defined callbacks from the GPFS system.
mmdeldisk command Deletes disks from a GPFS file system.
mmdelfileset command Deletes a GPFS fileset.
mmdelfs command Removes a GPFS file system.
mmdelnode command Removes one or more nodes from a GPFS cluster.
mmdelnodeclass command Deletes user-defined node classes.
mmdelnsd command Deletes Network Shared Disks (NSDs) from the GPFS cluster.
mmdelsnapshot command Deletes a GPFS snapshot.
mmdf command Queries available file space on a GPFS file system.
mmdiag command Displays diagnostic information about the internal GPFS state on the current node.
mmdsh command Runs commands on multiple nodes or network connected hosts at the same time.
mmeditacl command Creates or changes a GPFS access control list.
mmedquota command Sets quota limits.
mmexportfs command Retrieves the information needed to move a file system to a different cluster.
mmfsck command Checks and repairs a GPFS file system.
mmfsctl command Issues a file system control request.
mmgetacl command Displays the GPFS access control list of a file or directory.
mmgetstate command Displays the state of the GPFS daemon on one or more nodes.
mmhadoopctl command Installs and sets up the GPFS connector for a Hadoop distribution; starts or stops the GPFS connector daemon on a node.
mmimgbackup command Performs a backup of a single GPFS file system metadata image.
mmimgrestore command Restores a single GPFS file system from a metadata image.
mmimportfs command Imports into the cluster one or more file systems that were created in another GPFS cluster.
mmkeyserv command Manages encryption key servers and clients.
mmlinkfileset command Creates a junction that references the root directory of a GPFS fileset.
mmlsattr command Queries file attributes.
mmlscallback command Lists callbacks that are currently registered in the GPFS system.
mmlscluster command Displays the current configuration information for a GPFS cluster.
mmlsconfig command Displays the current configuration data for a GPFS cluster.
mmlsdisk command Displays the current configuration and state of the disks in a file system.
mmlsfileset command Displays attributes and status for GPFS filesets.
mmlsfs command Displays file system attributes.
mmlslicense command Displays information about the GPFS node licensing designation or about disk and cluster capacity.
mmlsmgr command Displays which node is the file system manager for the specified file systems or which node is the cluster manager.
mmlsmount command Lists the nodes that have a given GPFS file system mounted.
mmlsnodeclass command Displays node classes defined in the system.
mmlsnsd command Displays Network Shared Disk (NSD) information for the GPFS cluster.
mmlspolicy command Displays policy information.
mmlspool command Displays information about the known storage pools.
mmlsquota command Displays quota information for a user, group, or fileset.
mmlsqos command Displays the I/O performance values of a file system, when you enable Quality of Service for I/O operations (QoS) with the mmchqos command.
mmlssnapshot command Displays GPFS snapshot information.
mmmigratefs command Performs needed conversions to support new file system features.
mmmount command Mounts GPFS file systems on one or more nodes in the cluster.
mmmsgqueue command Manages the IBM Spectrum Scale message queue.
mmnetverify command Verifies network configuration and operation in a cluster.
mmnfs command Manages NFS exports and configuration.
mmnsddiscover command Rediscovers paths to the specified network shared disks.
mmobj command Manages configuration of Object protocol service, and administers storage policies for object storage, unified file and object access, and multi-region object deployment.
mmperfmon command Configures the Performance Monitoring tool and lists the performance metrics.
mmpmon command Manages performance monitoring and displays performance information.
mmprotocoltrace command Starts, stops, and monitors tracing for the CES protocols.
mmpsnap command Creates or deletes identical snapshots on the cache and home clusters, or shows the status of snapshots that have been queued up on the gateway nodes.
mmputacl command Sets the GPFS access control list for the specified file or directory.
mmquotaoff command Deactivates quota limit checking.
mmquotaon command Activates quota limit checking.
mmremotecluster command Manages information about remote GPFS clusters.
mmremotefs command Manages information needed for mounting remote GPFS file systems.
mmrepquota command Displays file system user, group, and fileset quotas.
mmrestoreconfig command Restores file system configuration information.
mmrestorefs command Restores a file system or an independent fileset from a snapshot.
mmrestripefile command Rebalances or restores the replication factor of the specified files, or performs any incomplete or deferred file compression or decompression.
mmrestripefs command Rebalances or restores the replication factor of all the files in a file system. Alternatively, this command performs any incomplete or deferred file compression or decompression of all the files in a file system.
mmrpldisk command Replaces the specified disk.
mmsdrrestore command Restores the latest GPFS system files on the specified nodes.
mmsetquota command Sets quota limits.
mmshutdown command Unmounts all GPFS file systems and stops GPFS on one or more nodes.
mmsmb command Administers SMB shares, export ACLs, and global configuration.
mmsnapdir command Controls how the special directories that connect to snapshots appear.
mmstartup command Starts the GPFS subsystem on one or more nodes.
mmtracectl command Sets up and enables GPFS tracing.
mmumount command Unmounts GPFS file systems on one or more nodes in the cluster.
mmunlinkfileset command Removes the junction to a GPFS fileset.
mmuserauth command Manages the authentication configuration of file and object access protocols. The configuration allows protocol access methods to authenticate users who need to access data that is stored on the system over these protocols.
Start of changemmwatch commandEnd of change Start of changeLists the active watch folder watches for either a specific file system or all file systems.End of change
mmwinservctl command Manages the mmwinserv Windows service.
spectrumscale command Installs and configures GPFS; adds nodes to a cluster; deploys and configures protocols, performance monitoring tools, and authentication services; configures call home and file audit logging; and upgrades GPFS and protocols.
The following commands are specific to IBM Spectrum Scale RAID:
  • mmaddcomp
  • mmaddcompspec
  • mmaddpdisk
  • mmchcarrier
  • mmchcomp
  • mmchcomploc
  • mmchenclosure
  • mmchfirmware
  • mmchpdisk
  • mmchrecoverygroup
  • mmcrrecoverygroup
  • mmcrvdisk
  • mmdelcomp
  • mmdelcomploc
  • mmdelcompspec
  • mmdelpdisk
  • mmdelrecoverygroup
  • mmdelvdisk
  • mmdiscovercomp
  • mmgetdisktopology
  • mmlscomp
  • mmlscomploc
  • mmlscompspec
  • mmlsenclosure
  • mmlsfirmware
  • mmlspdisk
  • mmlsrecoverygroup
  • mmlsrecoverygroupevents
  • mmlsvdisk
  • mmsyncdisplayid