Creating and configuring file systems and filesets for exports

If you have not done so previously, create the file systems and the filesets for the data to be exported through the protocol services. For more information, see mmcrfs command and mmcrfileset command.

Creating a fileset through the GPFS GUI

To create a fileset, log on to the IBM Spectrum Scale™ GUI and select Files > Filesets > Create Fileset.

IBM® strongly recommends to configure the file systems to only allow NFSv4 ACLs through the -k nfs4 option for mmcrfs. When using the default configuration profiles (/usr/lpp/mmfs/profiles) that are included with IBM Spectrum Scale, the NFSv4 ACL setting is already set from the profile configuration (see Authorizing file protocol users for details). Also if quotas should be used, enable the quota usage during the file system creation.

For information on unified file and object access, see Planning for unified file and object access.

Note: Ensure that all GPFS file systems used to export data via NFS are mounted with the syncnfs option in order to prevent clients from running into data integrity issues during failover. It is recommended to use the mmchfs command to set the syncnfs option as default when mounting the GPFS file system.

For more information on creating protocol data exports, see File system considerations for the NFS protocol and Fileset considerations for creating protocol data exports.