Upgrading IBM Spectrum Scale components with the installation toolkit

You can use the installation toolkit to upgrade base GPFS™, NFS, Object, SMB, management GUI, and performance monitoring from the current version of IBM Spectrum Scale™ to the next higher version. For example, you can use the installation toolkit to upgrade from IBM Spectrum Scale release 4.2.1 to release 4.2.2.

  • Protocol upgrades are non-concurrent and they cause brief outages to user access. Schedule an outage window for the duration of the upgrade, which is approximately 20 minutes per protocol node.
  • Before proceeding with the IBM Spectrum Scale upgrade, ensure that Transparent cloud tiering is not active on the cluster. If it is active, shut down Transparent cloud tiering services on all nodes by issuing the mmcloudgateway service stop command. If Transparent cloud tiering is active, the IBM Spectrum Scale upgrade might fail.
  • The installation toolkit does not support upgrading a cluster containing manually installed protocols, if the entire protocols stack was not originally installed in the cluster. To upgrade these clusters, use the manual procedures. For more information, see Migration, coexistence and compatibility.
  • Starting with the IBM Spectrum Scale 4.2.3 release, the installation toolkit supports the installation, deployment, and upgrade of Advanced (gpfs.adv) and Crypto (gpfs.crypto) packages. The upgrade of these packages is handled by the installation toolkit according to your IBM Spectrum Scale product edition.
    • For IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Edition or IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition, if the gpfs.adv and gpfs.crypto packages are installed on the system that you are upgrading, these packages are also upgraded.
    • For IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Edition or IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition, if the gpfs.adv and gpfs.crypto packages are not installed on the system that you are upgrading, these packages are installed.
    • These packages are not available with IBM Spectrum Scale Standard Edition.
    Note: If you have IBM Spectrum Scale Standard Edition version 4.2.2.x installed, you can use the installation toolkit to upgrade to IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Edition or IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition version 4.2.3. In this scenario, you must license the applicable edition.
Note: Before proceeding with upgrade using the installation toolkit, ensure the following:
  • Set up repository so that any packages required for the newer version of IBM Spectrum Scale that you are upgrading to can be installed. For more information, see Repository setup in Installation prerequisites.
  • Review limitations of the installation toolkit related to upgrade. For more information, see Limitations of the installation toolkit.

Do the following steps to upgrade IBM Spectrum Scale using the installation toolkit:

  1. Download the new IBM Spectrum Scale self-extracting package using the sub-steps and then place it on the installer node.
    1. Go to the IBM Spectrum Scale page on Fix Central, select the new spectrumscale package and then click Continue.
    2. Choose the download option Download using Download Director to download the new spectrumscale package and place it in the wanted location on the install node.
      Note: Although it is not recommended but if you must use the download option Download using your browser (HTTPS), instead of clicking the down arrow to the left of the package name, you must right-click on the package name and select the Save Link As.. option. If you click the download arrow, the browser might hang.
  2. Extract the new IBM Spectrum Scale self-extracting package by using the package name (for example, /tmp/Spectrum_Scale_Protocols_Standard-

    This creates a new directory structure (/usr/lpp/mmfs/

  3. Accept the license agreement. After the self-extracting package extraction is done several next steps and instructions are displayed on the screen including:
    • cluster installation and protocol deployment
    • upgrading an existing cluster using the install toolkit
    • adding nodes to an existing cluster using the install toolkit
    • adding NSDs or file systems to an existing cluster using the install toolkit
  4. Depending on your setup, do one of the following:
  5. Ensure that the cluster definition file is accurate and reflects the current state of your IBM Spectrum Scale cluster.
    Note: If you are upgrading to IBM Spectrum Scale release 4.2.2, ensure that the operating system and architecture fields in the output of the ./spectrumscale node list command are updated. These fields are automatically updated when you perform the upgrade precheck with ./spectrumscale upgrade --precheck or you can update these fields by issuing the ./spectrumscale config update command. For more information, see Running upgrade prechecks.

    If you want to upgrade IBM Spectrum Scale on IBM Spectrum Archive™ Enterprise Edition (EE) nodes using the installation toolkit, you must perform some additional steps to manage IBM Spectrum Archive components. For more information, see Upgrading IBM Spectrum Scale on IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition (EE) nodes using the installation toolkit.

  6. Run the upgrade precheck using the ./spectrumscale upgrade --precheck command. For more information about upgrade precheck, see Running upgrade prechecks.
    Note: If you do not plan to run the upgrade precheck, make sure that you run the ./spectrumscale config update before starting the upgrade.
  7. Run the upgrade process using the ./spectrumscale upgrade command. For more information, see Upgrading all components.
    • Accept the warnings for system impact and interruption during the upgrade.
    • If you are upgrading to IBM Spectrum Scale release or later on SLES 12 nodes, ignore the following warning generated by the local zypper repository created by the installation toolkit:
      WARN: Chef::Config[:zypper_check_gpg] was not set. 
      All packages will be installed without gpg signature checks. This is a security hazard.
  8. After upgrade is successful, complete the migration to new code level to take advantage of the new functionality. For more information, see Completing the migration to a new level of IBM Spectrum Scale.

The spectrumscale upgrade command

The ./spectrumscale upgrade command is used to perform upgrades and has these options:
Shows the current version of install packages and the available version to upgrade to.
Performs health checks and ensures all prerequisites are met on the cluster prior to upgrade.
Performs health checks on the cluster after the upgrade has been completed.
Bypasses the message that will appear when upgrading components, that warns that there may be an outage when upgrading SMB and the performance monitoring tool.

As with all spectrumscale commands, use the -v flag for verbose output. The -v flag must be placed immediately after ./spectrumscale.

For example: ./spectrumscale -v upgrade

Note: The upgrade command can be used to upgrade GPFS from version 4.1.0 and later.

Running upgrade prechecks

For any cluster with existing Performance Monitoring collectors, the upgrade prechecks might find that a reconfiguration is required. To enable the installation toolkit to perform the reconfiguration, issue the following command:
./spectrumscale config perfmon -r on
To keep your existing algorithms, issue the following command:
./spectrumscale config perfmon -r off

If you are upgrading to IBM Spectrum Scale version 4.2.2 or later, the operating system and architecture fields in the cluster definition file must be updated. The upgrade precheck updates the operating system and CPU architecture fields in the cluster definition file. Alternatively, you can issue the spectrumscale config update command to update the operating system and CPU architecture fields in the cluster definition file.

Before upgrading, run upgrade prechecks by issuing the following command:
/usr/lpp/mmfs/ upgrade -pr

Upgrading all components

Note: Before upgrading all components, run the upgrade precheck command.

All components can be upgraded at once using the following command:

./spectrumscale upgrade

This command can still be used even if all protocols are not enabled; however, the packages for other protocols will be also upgraded but not started.

This will cause a brief outage of the performance monitoring tool and SMB (if enabled). Refer to the following sections for more information about the impact of upgrade on each component.

Once upgrade is complete, run the spectrumscale upgrade -ve command to show the versions of the packages installed to ensure that they are all at the desired level.

After this, proceed to the next step which is migration to a new level of GPFS. For more information, see Completing the migration to a new level of IBM Spectrum Scale.

Failure recovery

If a failure occurs during an upgrade, examine the log at the location provided in the output from the install toolkit to determine the cause. More information on each spectrumscale error will be provided in the output from the install toolkit.

Certain failures will cause the upgrade process to stop. In this case, the cause of the failure should be addressed on the node on which it occurred. Once the problem has been addressed, the upgrade command can be run again. This will not affect any nodes that were upgraded successfully and will continue once the point of failure has been reached.

An example of a failure during upgrade is:

A protocol is enabled in the configuration file, but is not running on a node.
Using the mmces service list command on the node that failed will highlight which process is not running (the output from the install toolkit will also report which component failed). Make sure the component is started on all nodes with mmces service start nfs | smb | obj, or alternatively disable the protocol in the configuration using spectrumscale disable nfs|smb|object if the component has been intentionally stopped.

When a protocol is disabled, the protocol is stopped on all protocol nodes in the cluster and all protocol-specific configuration data is removed.

For information on troubleshooting installation, deployment, and upgrade related issues, see Resolving most frequent problems related to installation, deployment, and upgrade.