Scheduling backups using IBM Spectrum Protect scheduler
The IBM Spectrum Protect™ scheduler typically utilizes the IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive client backup commands that should be avoided in the IBM Spectrum Scale™ setup. Instead, you can configure a IBM Spectrum Protect client schedule to call a script as described in the following steps.
For scheduled events to occur on the client, you must configure the client scheduler to communicate with the IBM Spectrum Protect server. This is in addition to the following steps. For example, you might need to start the dsmcad service or add MANAGEDSERVICES schedule to the corresponding IBM Spectrum Protect stanza in dsm.sys on the client node. For more information, see Configuring the scheduler in the IBM Spectrum Protect documentation on IBM® Knowledge Center.
For the following steps, these example values are assumed:
client-node-proxyname (asnodename) => proxy-cluster1
Node to be used for the schedule (aka nodename) => gpfs-node1
tsm server name => tsm1
file system to be backed up => gpfs0
global snapshot name (created for backup job) => BKUPsnap
schedule name on the TSM server => proxy-cluster1_sched