Configuring and enabling the Object protocol service

If you want to use the Cluster Export Services (CES) object service and it was not configured and enabled during the installation, configure object services now.

  1. If a file system for the object data has not been created yet, you must create it now (see mmcrfs command).
  2. Use the mmobj command for the initial configuration of the object stack.
    Note: A separate fileset will be created to hold the object data:
    mmobj swift base -g /gpfs/fs01 --cluster_hostname clustername --local_keystone --db_password Passw0rd 
    --admin_password Password -i 2000 --enable-s3

    This example creates a fileset for Object storage in the /gpfs/fs01 fileset with the specified hostname as access point and 2000 inodes. A local database is created for Keystone authentication and S3 API is enabled. See mmobj command for details.

  3. After the initial configuration, enable and start the object services by running the following commands:
    mmces service enable OBJ 
  4. Verify that the object service is running as expected:
    mmces service list -a