Configuring OpenStack EC2 credentials

The credentials that are used on the Amazon S3 and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) APIs are different from the credentials that are used by the OpenStack API. As a result, you must generate these special credentials to use them when accessing the IBM Spectrum Scale™ OpenStack services.

The credentials are created by the OpenStackClient, a command-line client for OpenStack, that allows the creation and use of access/secret pairs for a user/project pair. This requires the operators to create the access/secret for each user/project pair.
  1. Source openrc with the admin credentials.
  2. Create EC2 credential by running this command for user-defined blob as a credential:
    openstack credential create –-type ec2 –-project <project> <user> '{“access”: <aws_access_key>, “secret”: <aws_secret_key>}'
    Note: Ensure to use Keystone UUIDs rather than names if duplicate user/project names exist across domains. Additionally, the admin users should be able to list and delete access/secrets for a specific user/project.
  3. View all EC2 credentials by running this command:
    openstack credential list
    openstack credential show <credential-id>
  4. You can change your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key if necessary.

    It is recommended to have regular rotation of these keys and switching applications to use the new pair.

    Change the EC2 credentials by running this command:
    openstack credential set –type ec2 –data '{“access”: <access>, “secret”: <secret>}' --project <project> <credential-id>
  5. Delete the EC2 credentials by running this command:
    openstack credential delete <credential_id>

    The following example shows the creation of EC2 credentials using the admin project and the admin user IDs:

    Where openrc contains:

    export OS_AUTH_URL=""


    export OS_AUTH_VERSION=3 export


    export OS_PASSWORD="Passw0rd"

    export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default

    export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin

    export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=Default

    source openrc
    openstack credential create --type ec2 --project admin admin '{"access": "022AB06E7MXBSH9DHM02", "secret": "pWculUX4JEDGM/LtmEENI/aVmYvHNif5zB+d9+ct"}'
    You are now ready to connect to the IBM Spectrum Scale Object store using the Amazon S3 API. You can connect with any S3-enabled client.