spectrumscale command

Installs and configures GPFS™; adds nodes to a cluster; deploys and configures protocols, performance monitoring tools, and authentication services; and upgrades GPFS and protocols.


spectrumscale setup [-i SSHIdentity] [-s ServerIP] [--storesecret]


spectrumscale node add [-g] [-q] [-m] [-a] [-n] [-p [ExportIP]] Node


spectrumscale node load [-q] [-m] [-a] [-n] NodeFile


spectrumscale node delete [-f] Node


spectrumscale node clear [-f]


spectrumscale node list


spectrumscale config gpfs [-c ClusterName] [-p {default | randomio}]
                      [-r RemoteShell]  [-rc RemoteFileCopy] 
                      [-e EphemeralPortRange]


spectrumscale config protocols [-l] [-f FileSystem] [-m MountPoint] [-e ExportIPPool]


spectrumscale config object [-f FileSystem] [-m MountPoint][-e EndPoint] [-o ObjectBase] 
                         [-i InodeAllocation] [-t AdminToken] 
                         [-au AdminUser] [-ap AdminPassword] 
                         [-su SwiftUser] [-sp SwiftPassword] 
                         [-dp DatabasePassword] 
Start of change
                         [-mr MultiRegion] [-rn RegionNumber] 
End of change
                         [-s3 {on | off}] 


spectrumscale config ntp [-e {on | off} [-l List ][-s Upstream_Servers]]


spectrumscale nsd add -p Primary [-s Secondary] [-fs FileSystem]
              [-po Pool]
              [-u {dataOnly | dataAndMetadata | metaDataOnly | descOnly | localCache}]
              [-fg FailureGroup] [--no-check]
              PrimaryDevice [PrimaryDevice ...]


spectrumscale nsd balance [--node Node | --all]


spectrumscale nsd delete NSD


spectrumscale nsd modify [-n Name]
                         [-u {dataOnly | dataAndMetadata | metadataOnly | descOnly}]
                         [-po Pool] [-fs FileSystem] [-fg FailureGroup]


spectrumscale nsd clear [-f]


spectrumscale nsd list 


spectrumscale filesystem modify [-b {64K | 128K | 256K | 512K | 1M | 2M | 4M | 8M | 16M}] 
                                [-m MountPoint]


spectrumscale filesystem list


spectrumscale auth  file {ldap | ad | nis | none}  


spectrumscale auth  object [--https] [--pki] {local | external | ldap | ad}  


spectrumscale enable {object | nfs | smb} 


spectrumscale disable {object | nfs | smb} 
Disabling object service discards OpenStack Swift configuration and ring files from the CES cluster. If Openstack Keystone configuration is configured locally, disabling object storage also discards the Keystone configuration and database files from the CES cluster. However, the data is not removed. For subsequent object service enablement with a clean configuration and new data, remove object store fileset and set up object environment. See the mmobj swift base command. For more information, contact the IBM® Support Center.


spectrumscale install [-pr] [-po] 


spectrumscale deploy [-pr] [-po] [-s]


spectrumscale upgrade [-pr  | -po | -ve] [-f]                


The spectrumscale is available as follows:
  • Available with IBM Spectrum Scale™ Standard Edition or higher.
  • Available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 only.


Use the spectrumscale command (also called the spectrumscale installation toolkit) to do the following:
  • Install and configure GPFS.
  • Add GPFS nodes to an existing cluster.
  • Deploy and configure SMB, NFS, OpenStack Swift, and performance monitoring tools on top of GPFS.
  • Configure authentication services for protocols.
  • Upgrade GPFS and protocols.
Note: The following prerequisites and assumptions apply:
  • The spectrumscale installation toolkit requires the following packages:
    • python-2.6 with argparse
    • python-2.7
  • TCP traffic from the nodes should be allowed through the firewall to communicate with the install toolkit on port 8889 for communication with the chef zero server and port 10080 for package distribution.
  • The nodes themselves have external Internet access or local repository replicas that can be reached by the nodes to install necessary packages (dependency installation). Review the Repository Setup section in the IBM Spectrum Scale: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide for more information on these repositories.
  • To install protocols, there must a GPFS cluster running a minimum version of with CCR enabled.
  • The node that you plan to run the install toolkit from must be able to execute remote shell commands on any other node in the cluster without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages.


Installs Chef and its components, as well as configure the install node in the cluster definition file. The IP address passed in should be the node from which the spectrumscale installation toolkit will be run. The SSH key passed in should be the key the installer should use to have passwordless SSH onto all other nodes. This is the first command you will run to set up IBM Spectrum Scale. This option accepts the following arguments:
-i SSHIdentity
Adds the path to the SSH identity file into the configuration.
-s ServerIP
Adds the control node IP into the configuration.
Disables the prompts for the encryption secret.
If you use this option, passwords will not be securely stored.

This is the first command to run to set up IBM Spectrum Scale.

Used to add, remove, or list nodes in the cluster definition file. This command only interacts with this configuration file and does not directly configure nodes in the cluster itself. The nodes that have an entry in the cluster definition file will be used during install, deploy, or upgrade. This option accepts the following arguments:
add Node
Adds the specified node and configures it according to the following arguments:
Adds GPFS Graphical User Interface servers to the cluster definition file.
Configures the node as a quorum node.
Configures the node as a manager node.
Configures the node as an admin node.
Specifies the node as NSD.
-p [ExportIP]
Configures the node as a protocol node and optionally assigns it an IP.
Specifies the node name.
load NodeFile
Loads the specified file containing a list of nodes, separated per line; adds the nodes in the file and configures them according to the following:
Configures the node as a quorum node.
Configures the node as a manager node.
Configures the node as an admin node.
Specifies the node to be NSD.
delete Node
Removes the specified node from the configuration. The following option is accepted.
Forces the action without manual confirmation.
Clears the current node configuration. The following option is accepted:
Forces the action without manual confirmation.
Lists the nodes configured in your environment.
Used to set properties in the cluster definition file that will be used during install, deploy, or upgrade. This command only interacts with this configuration file and does not directly configure these properties on the GPFS cluster. This option accepts the following arguments:
Sets any of the following GPFS-specific properties to be used during GPFS installation and configuration:
-c ClusterName
Specifies the profile to be set on cluster creation. The following values are accepted:
Specifies that the GpfsProtocolDefaults profile is to be used.
Specifies that the GpfsProtocolRandomIO profile is to be used.
-r RemoteShell
Specifies the remote shell binary to be used by GPFS. If no remote shell is specified in the cluster definition file, /usr/bin/ssh will be used as the default.
-rc RemoteFileCopy
Specifies the remote file copy binary to be used by GPFS. If no remote file copy binary is specified in the cluster definition file, /usr/bin/scp will be used as the default.
-e EphemeralPortRange

Specifies an ephemeral port range to be set on all GPFS nodes. If no port range is specified in the cluster definition, 60000-61000 will be used as default.

For information about ephemeral port range, see the topic about GPFS port usage in the "Miscellaneous advanced administration tasks" chapter of IBM Spectrum Scale: Advanced Administration Guide.

Provides details of the GPFS environment that will be used during protocol deployment, according to the following options:
-f FileSystem
Specifies the file system.
-m MountPoint
Specifies the mount point.
-e ExportIPPool
Exports IP pool
Sets any of the following Object-specific properties to be used during Object deployment and configuration:
-f FileSystem
Specifies the file system.
-m MountPoint
Specifies the mount point.
-e EndPoint
Specifies the host name that will be used for access to the object store. This should be a round-robin DNS entry that maps to all CES IP addresses or the address of a load balancer front end; this will distribute the load of all keystone and object traffic that is routed to this host name. Therefore the endpoint is an IP address in a DNS or in a load balancer that maps to a group of export IPs (that is, CES IPs that were assigned on the protocol nodes).
-o ObjectBase
Specifies the object base.
-i InodeAllocation
Specifies the inode allocation.
-t AdminToken
Specifies the admin token.
-au AdminUser
Specifies the user name for the admin.
-ap AdminPassword
Specifies the admin user password.
Note: You will be prompted to enter a Secret Encryption Key which will be used to securely store the password. Choose a memorable pass phrase which you will be prompted for each time you enter the password.
-su SwiftUser
Specifies the Swift user name.
-sp SwiftPassword
Specifies the Swift user password.
Note: You will be prompted to enter a Secret Encryption Key which will be used to securely store the password. Choose a memorable pass phrase which you will be prompted for each time you enter the password.
-dp DataBasePassword
Specifies the object database.
Note: You will be prompted to enter a Secret Encryption Key which will be used to securely store the password. Choose a memorable pass phrase which you will be prompted for each time you enter the password.
Start of change-mr MultiRegionEnd of change
Start of changeEnables the multi-region option.End of change
Start of change-rn RegionNumberEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the region number.End of change
-s3 on | off
Specifies whether s3 is to be turned on or off.
Used to add, list, or remove NTP nodes to the configuration. NTP nodes will be configured on the cluster as follows: the admin node will point to the upstream NTP servers that you provide to determine the correct time. The rest of the nodes in the cluster will point to the admin node to obtain the time.
- s Upstream_Server
Specifies the host name that will be used. You can use an upstream server that you have already configured, but it cannot be part of your Spectrum Scale cluster.
Note: NTP works best with at least four upstream servers. If you provide fewer than four, you will receive a warning during installation advising that you add more.
- l List
Allows for viewing your NTP setup.
-e on | off
Specifies whether NTP is enabled or not. If this option is turned to off, you will receive a warning during installation.
Used to add, remove, list or balance NSDs, as well as add file systems in the cluster definition file. This command only interacts with this configuration file and does not directly configure NSDs on the cluster itself. The NSDs that have an entry in the cluster definition file will be used during install. This option accepts the following arguments:
Adds an NSD to the configuration, according to the following specifications:
-p Primary
Specifies the primary NSD server name.
-s Secondary
Specifies the secondary NSD server name. This option can be repeated to specify multiple secondary NSD servers.
-fs FileSystem
Specifies the file system to which the NSD is assigned.
-po Pool
Specifies the file system pool.
Specifies NSD usage. The following values are accepted:
-fg FailureGroup
Specifies the failure group to which the NSD belongs.
Specifies not to check for the device on the server.
Specifies the device name on the primary NSD server.
Balances the NSD preferred node between the primary and secondary nodes. The following options are accepted:
--node Node
Specifies the node to move NSDs from when balancing.
Specifies that all NSDs are to be balanced.
delete NSD
Removes the specified NSD from the configuration.
modify NSD
Modifies the NSD parameters on the specified NSD, according to the following options:
-n Name
Specifies the name.
The following values are accepted:
-po Pool
Specifies the pool
-fs FileSystem
Specifies the file system.
-fg FailureGroup
Specifies the failure group.
Clears the current NSD configuration. The following option is accepted:
Forces the action without manual confirmation.
nsd list
Lists the NSDs configured in your environment.
Used to list or modify file systems in the cluster definition file. This command only interacts with this configuration file and does not directly modify file systems on the cluster itself. To modify the properties of a file system in the cluster definition file, the file system must first be added with spectrumscale nsd. This option accepts the following arguments:
Modifies the file system attributes. This option accepts the following arguments:
Specifies the file system block size. This argument accepts the following values: 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, 16M.
-m MountPoint
Specifies the mount point.
Specifies the file system to be modified.
Lists the file systems configured in your environment.
Used to configure either Object or File authentication on protocols in the cluster definition file. This command only interacts with this configuration file and does not directly configure authentication on the protocols. To configure authentication on the GPFS cluster during a deploy, authentication settings must be provided through the use of a template file. This option accepts the following arguments:
Specifies file authentication.
One of the following must be specified:
Specifies object authentication.
Either of the following options are accepted:
One of the following must be specified:

Both file and object authentication can be set up with the authentication backend server specified. Running this command will open a template settings file to be filled out before installation.

Used to enable Object, SMB or NFS in the cluster definition file. This command only interacts with this configuration file and does not directly enable any protocols on the GPFS cluster itself. The default configuration is that all protocols are disabled. If a protocol is enabled in the cluster definition file, this protocol will be enabled on the GPFS cluster during deploy. This option accepts the following arguments:
Used to disable Object, SMB or NFS in the cluster definition file. This command only interacts with this configuration file and does not directly disable any protocols on the GPFS cluster itself. The default configuration is that all protocols are disabled, so this command is only necessary if a protocol has previously been enabled in the cluster definition file, but is no longer required.
Note: Disabling a protocol in the cluster definition will not disable this protocol on the GPFS cluster during a deploy, it merely means that this protocol will not be enabled during a deploy.

This option accepts the following arguments:

Disabling object service discards OpenStack Swift configuration and ring files from the CES cluster. If Openstack Keystone configuration is configured locally, disabling object storage also discards the Keystone configuration and database files from the CES cluster. However, the data is not removed. For subsequent object service enablement with a clean configuration and new data, remove object store fileset and set up object environment. See the mmobj swift base command. For more information, contact the IBM® Support Center.
Installs, creates a GPFS cluster, creates NSDs and adds nodes to an existing GPFS cluster. The spectrumscale installation toolkit will use the environment details in the cluster definition file to perform these tasks. If all configuration steps have been completed, this option can be run with no arguments (and pre-install and post-install checks will be performed automatically).
For a "dry-run," the following arguments are accepted:
Performs a pre-install environment check.
Performs a post-install environment check.
Creates file systems, deploys protocols, and configures protocol authentication on an existing GPFS cluster. The spectrumscale installation toolkit will use the environment details in the cluster definition file to perform these tasks. If all configuration steps have been completed, this option can be run with no arguments (and pre-deploy and post-deploy checks will be performed automatically). However, the secret key will be prompted for unless it is passed in as an argument using the -s flag.

For a "dry-run," the following arguments are accepted:

Performs a pre-deploy environment check.
Performs a post-deploy environment check.

To suppress the prompt for the encryption secret and pass it in on the command line instead, issue the

-s flag.
Upgrades all components of an existing GPFS cluster. This command can still be used even if all protocols are not enabled. If a protocol is not enabled, then the packages will still be upgraded, but the service won't be started.
The spectrumscale installation toolkit will use environment details in the cluster definition file to perform these tasks. To perform environment health checks prior to and after the upgrade run the spectrumscale upgrade command using the -pr and -po arguments. This is not required, however, because upgrade with no arguments will also run this. The following arguments are accepted:
shows the current versions of installed packages and the available version to upgrade to
performs health checks on the cluster prior to the upgrade
performs health checks on the cluster after the upgrade has been completed

Exit status

Successful completion.
A failure has occurred.


You must have root authority to run the spectrumscale command.

The node on which the command is issued must be able to execute remote shell commands on any other node in the cluster without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages. See the following IBM Spectrum Scale: Administration and Programming Reference topic: Requirements for administering a GPFS file system.


  1. To instantiate your chef zero server, issue a command similar to the following:
    spectrumscale setup -s
  2. To designate protocol nodes in your environment to use for the installation, issue this command:
    ./spectrumscale node add FQDN -p AccessIP
  3. To enable NFS on all protocol nodes, issue this command:
    ./spectrumscale enable nfs
  4. To install IBM Spectrum Scale on your defined environment, issue this command:
    ./spectrumscale install
  5. To deploy protocols on your defined environment, issue this command:
    ./spectrumscale deploy
  6. To delete a node from the configuration, issue this command:
    ./spectrumscale node delete FQDN
  7. To enable File Authentication with AD server on all protocol nodes, issue this command:
    ./spectrumscale auth file ad
  8. To deploy protocols on your defined environment, using Mysecretkey to access encrypted passwords, issue this command:
    ./spectrumscale deploy -s MYsecretkey
  9. To add GPFS Graphical User Interface servers to the cluster definition file, issue this command:
    ./spectrumscale node add gpfsnode3 -g

See also

See also the following IBM Spectrum Scale: Administration and Programming Reference topics:

See also the topic about installing GPFS on Linux nodes in IBM Spectrum Scale: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide.

