mmprotocoltrace command

Starts, stops, and monitors tracing for the CES protocols.


mmprotocoltrace start <identifier> [<identifier>...] [-c <clientIP >] 
                      [-d <duration >] [-l <logFileDir >] [-n <nodes >] [-f]


mmprotocoltrace stop <identifier> [<identifier>...] 


mmprotocoltrace status <identifier> [<identifier>...] [-v]


mmprotocoltrace clear <identifier> [<identifier>...] [-f]


mmprotocoltrace reset <identifier> [<identifier>...]


mmprotocoltrace {config} 


Available with IBM Spectrum Scale™ Standard Edition or higher.

Notice: This command has common function to other existing commands. As such, the function may, at any time in a future release, be rolled into other commands and immediately deprecated from use without prior notice. Information about the change and what commands replace it would be provided in some format at the time of that change. Users should avoid using this command in any type of automation or scripting or be advised a future change may break that automation without prior notice.


Use the mmprotocoltrace command to trace SMB, Object, or Networking operations. You can run this command from any node in a cluster. You can start, stop, reset, or display the status of a trace. You can set the duration of a trace to avoid excessive logging. Use the mmprotocoltrace command to control tracing for SMB. You can start, stop, reset, check or display the status of a trace with this command. It also controls the timeouts for the traces to avoid excessive logging.
Note: The protocol functions provided in this command, or any similar command, are generally referred to as CES (Cluster Export Services). For example, protocol node and CES node are functionally equivalent terms.

For more information about using this command, see the topic on CES tracing and debug data collection in the IBM Spectrum Scale: Advanced Administration Guide.


Specifies one of the following trace options:
-d Duration
Specifies the trace duration in minutes. The default is 10.
-l LogFileDir
Specifies the name of the directory that contains the log and tar files that are created by the trace. The directory name cannot be a shared directory. The default is a directory in /tmp/mmfs that is named by the trace type and time.
-N Nodes
Specifies a comma-separated list of node names to run trace on. The default is all.
-c ClientIPs
Specifies a comma-separated list of client IP addresses to trace. The default is all. This parameter applies only to SMB traces and Network traces.
Forces an action to occur. Affects only the clear command.
Verbose output. Affects only the status command.
Specifies one of the following trace commands:
Starts tracing for the specified component.
Stops tracing for the specified component.
Displays the status of the specified component.
Displays the current contents of the configuration file.
Clears the trace records from the trace list.
Resets the nodes to the default state that is defined in the configuration file.
Specifies one of the following components:
Traces the SMB service.
Traces the Object service.
Traces the Network service.

Exit status

Successful completion.
A failure occurred.


You must have root authority to run the mmprotocoltrace command.

The node on which the command is run must be able to process remote shell commands on any other node in the cluster without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages. See the information about the requirements for administering a GPFS™ system in the IBM Spectrum Scale: Administration and Programming Reference.


  1. The following command starts an SMB trace on all the CES nodes in the cluster for a duration of 10 minutes (the default duration):
    mmprotocoltrace -N all start smb
    The response to the command is similar to the following:
    Trace '3f36dbed-b567-4566-9beb-63b6420bbb2d' created successfully
  2. The following command starts an SMB trace on the mobile1 node for a duration of 10 minutes.
    mmprotocoltrace -N mobile1 start smb
  3. The following command starts an SMB trace of two clients for a duration of 20 minutes:
    mmprotocoltrace -d 20 -c, start smb
  4. The following command displays the status of an SMB trace:
    mmprotocoltrace status smb
    The status that is displayed is similar to the following:
    Trace ID:    d11145ea-9e9a-4fb0-ae8d-7cb48e49ecc2
    State:       WAITING
    User ID:     root
    Protocol:    smb
    Start Time:  11:11:37 05/05/2015
    End Time:    11:21:37 05/05/2015
    Client IPs:  []
    Origin Node:
         Node Name:
         State:          WAITING
         Trace Location: /dump/ftdc/smb.20150505_111136.trc
         Pids:           []
         Node Name:
         State:          WAITING
         Trace Location: /dump/ftdc/smb.20150505_111136.trc
         Pids:           []
  5. The following command stops an SMB trace:
    mmprotocoltrace stop smb
    The response to this command is similar to the following:
    Stopping traces
    Trace '01239483-be84-wev9-a2d390i9ow02' stopped for smb
    Waiting for traces to complete
    Waiting for node 'node1'
    Waiting for node 'node2'
    Finishing trace '01239483-be84-wev9-a2d390i9ow02'
    Trace tar file has been written to '/tmp/mmfs/smb.20150513_162322.trc/smb.trace.20150513_162542.tar.gz
  6. The following command clears an SMB trace from the trace file:
    mmprotocoltrace clear smb
    The response to this command is similar to the following:
    Trace for protocol 'smb' cleared successfully.


  1. To start an SMB trace, issue this command:
    mmprotocoltrace start smb
    The system displays output similar to this:
    Trace '3f36dbed-b567-4566-9beb-63b6420bbb2d' created successfully
  2. To view the status of the SMB trace, issue this command:
    mmprotocoltrace status smb
    The system displays output similar to this:
    Trace ID:    d11145ea-9e9a-4fb0-ae8d-7cb48e49ecc2
    State:       WAITING
    User ID:     root
    Protocol:    smb
    Start Time:  11:11:37 05/05/2015
    End Time:    11:21:37 05/05/2015
    Client IPs:  []
    Origin Node:
         Node Name:
         State:          WAITING
         Trace Location: /dump/ftdc/smb.20150505_111136.trc
         Pids:           []
         Node Name:
         State:          WAITING
         Trace Location: /dump/ftdc/smb.20150505_111136.trc
         Pids:           []
  3. To stop the SMB trace, issue this command:
    mmprotocoltrace stop smb
    The system displays output similar to this:
    Stopping traces
    Trace '01239483-be84-wev9-a2d390i9ow02' stopped for smb
    Waiting for traces to complete
    Waiting for node 'node1'
    Waiting for node 'node2'
    Finishing trace '01239483-be84-wev9-a2d390i9ow02'
    Trace tar file has been written to '/tmp/mmfs/smb.20150513_162322.trc/smb.trace.20150513_162542.tar.gz
  4. To clear the SMB trace from the trace file, issue this command:
    mmprotocoltrace clear smb
    The system displays output similar to this:
    Trace for protocol 'smb' cleared successfully.

