RESTful API HTTP error messages

When there is an issue with the information that you provided, an error message appears.

Different types of error messages can appear depending on the issue. The only error messages that are mentioned in this document are HTTP errors. Other error messages are explained in other product documentation, which are listed in Helpful resources and publications.

The following HTTP error codes are returned to the user by the RESTful API in response to a problem with the request:

HTTP Error 400: bad request
Where the command did not specify a required parameter or gave a parameter value that did not pass the RESTful API’s checks.
HTTP Error 403: forbidden
Where the command did not send a valid authentication token to interact with the specified URL.
HTTP Error 404: not found
Where the command tried to issue a request to a URL that does not exist.
HTTP Error 405: method not allowed
Where the command tried to use an HTTP method that is invalid for the specified URL.
HTTP Error 500: something went wrong on the server
Where a Spectrum Virtualize command error is forwarded from the RESTful API.