IBM TS3500 Tape Library publications

This topic can help you locate TS3500 Tape Library publications.

Additional information related to the TS3500 Tape Library is available in the following publications:
  • IBM TS3500 Tape Library Maintenance Information, (provided with the 3584 Tape Library)
  • IBM TS3500 Tape Library Introduction and Planning Guide, GA32-0559
  • IBM TS3500 Tape Library with ALMS Introduction and Planning Guide, GA32-0593
  • IBM TS3500 Tape Library Operator Guide, GA32-0560
  • IBM TS3500 Tape Library with ALMS Operator Guide, GA32-0594
Follow these instructions to locate and download related publications:
  1. Open the following link in your web browser:
  2. In the Search box enter the form number, part number, or title of the publication that is the subject of your search.
  3. Click the blue arrow icon.
  4. Locate the publication in the Results field.
    Note: Refer to the Modified date in the Results field to verify that you have identified the most recent version of the publication.
  5. Click the title of a publication displayed in the Results field to open its profile page, including links to any HTML or PDF versions of the document.
  6. Follow instructions provided on the document profile page to view or download the document.
You can also find information at the following link: