ltfsee info tapes

Use the ltfsee info tapes command to list current resource information about IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition tapes.


ltfsee info tapes [-l <libraryName>] [--json]

Specifies that you want to list the resource information for tapes.
-l <libraryName>
Optionally, use the -l option to limit the command to a specified library. If you don't use the -l option, the resource information is supplied for all IBM Spectrum Archive EE libraries in the system.
Use the --json option to show the output of the command in JSON format.

Sample ltfsee info tapes command output

The following example shows sample output of the ltfsee info tapes command.
Note: The Reclaimable column shows the estimated size of the unreferenced space that is available for reclamation on the tape.
[root@ltfs208 ~]# ltfsee info tapes
Tape ID   Status       Format  Capacity(GiB)  Used(GiB)  Free(GiB)  Reclaimable(GiB)  Pool   Library  Address  Drive  Appendable
SMD140L7  Unavailable  L7                  0          0          0                 0  -      lib2     4101     -      -
SMD125L7  Unavailable  L7                  0          0          0                 0  -      lib2     4099     -      -
DV1544L7  Unavailable  L7                  0          0          0                 0  -      lib2     4100     -      -
SMD127L7  Unavailable  L7                  0          0          0                 0  -      lib2     4096     -      -
SMD247L7  Valid        L7               5338          0       5337                 0  12610  lib1     4102     -      Yes
SMD226L7  Unavailable  L7                  0          0          0                 0  -      lib1     4103     -      -
SMD129L7  Unavailable  L7                  0          0          0                 0  -      lib1     4101     -      -
SMD003L7  Unavailable  L7                  0          0          0                 0  -      lib1     4100     -      -
SMD138L7  Unavailable  L7                  0          0          0                 0  -      lib1     4096     -      -

Table 1 describes the status codes that can be displayed by the ltfsee info tapes command:

Table 1. Status codes for ltfsee info tapes
Status code Description
Cleaning The Cleaning status indicates that the cartridge is a cleaning cartridge.
Critical The Critical status indicates that an attempt to write to this cartridge failed.

To avoid data loss, recover the data on this cartridge by using the ltfsee recover command, then discard this cartridge.

Disconnected The Disconnected status indicates that the EE and LE components that are used by this tape cannot communicate. The admin channel connection might be disconnected.
Duplicated The Duplicated status indicates that there is more than one cartridge with this bar code.

Remove the cartridge from the tape library.

Error The Error status indicates that the cartridge has an error and cannot be recovered.

This cartridge cannot be used with the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition.

Contact IBM support for assistance.

Exported The Exported status indicates that the cartridge is valid and is exported.
Exporting The Exporting status indicates that EE is exporting this cartridge.
Inaccessible The Inaccessible status indicates that the tape is not allowed to move in the library. The tape might be stuck in the library or in one of the tape drives. For example, in multiple node clusters, the tape is mounted by a tape drive that is assigned to a node that is not available.
Invalid The Invalid status indicates that the cartridge is inconsistent with the LTFS format.

To check and repair this tape before you add it to a tape storage pool, use the ltfsee pool add command with the check option.

Missing The Missing status indicates that the tape is not included in the library, but the tape is in a pool.

To change the status, add the tape to the library, then run the ltfsee retrieve command.

Not Supported The Not Supported status indicates that the cartridge is not supported by the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition.

Only cartridges that are supported by the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition can be used.

Offline The Offline status indicates that the cartridge is valid and is exported offline.
Unavailable The Unavailable status indicates that the cartridge is not available in the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition system.
Tapes that are newly inserted into the tape library have an Unavailable status. To recall files from a tape with this status, first import the tape by using the ltfsee import command. To add a tape with this status to the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition system:
  1. First, move the tape to a home slot by using the ltfsee tape move command.
  2. Then, add the tape to a tape storage pool by using the ltfsee pool command.
Unformatted The Unformatted status indicates that the cartridge is not formatted.

To use this tape with the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition, format the tape by using the ltfsee pool command with the format option.

Unknown The Unknown status indicates that the cartridge contents are unknown.
Unusable The Unusable status indicates that the tape can't be used.

To change the status, remove the tape from the pool by using the ltfsee pool remove command with the -r option. Then, add the tape back into the pool by using the ltfsee pool add command.

Valid The Valid status indicates that the cartridge is valid.
Warning The Warning status indicates that a read failure occurred on this cartridge.

To avoid data loss, move the data from this cartridge onto another cartridge by using the ltfsee reclaim command, then discard this cartridge.

Write Fenced The Write Fenced status indicates that an error was detected on the tape cartridge. The cartridge can be read, but not written to. The recall, recover, or pool remove functions can be used on the tape.
Write Protected The Write Protected status indicates that the cartridge is write protected.