
The egosh resourcegroup sub-command manages the resource groups in your cluster.

resourcegroup add group_name [-d description] [-s slot | -e slot_expr] [-t Dynamic -R host_req | -t Static -r host[,host...]]

Adds a new resource group for slot-based scheduling. See the subsequent section to add a resource group for multidimensional scheduling.

This is an administrative subcommand. You must first log on as cluster administrator before you can issue this subcommand.

Specifies the name of the slot-based resource group. The name must adhere to the following naming rules:
  • The resource group name must be unique.
  • The resource group name must not use the same name as the resource plan name.
  • The resource group name can only contain the following characters: 0 to 9, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, hyphens (-), or underscores (_). It cannot contain the these characters: \ / : * ? \ " < > | '
  • The resource group name can be a maximum of 64 characters.
-d description
A description of the resource group, up to a maximum of 200 characters. This is optional (by default, it is empty).
-s slot
Specifies the number of slots per host. Default is 0 indicating one slot per CPU. Can be a integer greater than 0, indicating the number of slots per host.
-e slot_expr
Specifies the slot expression for the resource group. Default is (ncpu*1) indicating one slot per CPU.
-t type
Specifies the type of resource group, which can be either static or dynamic. Default is dynamic. The type is case-insensitive.
-R host_req
Specifies the requirement for the host selection in dynamic resource groups. Default is "", indicating all hosts.
-r host[,host...]
Lists the hosts for the static resource groups. At least one host must be provided.

resourcegroup add group_name -MDS [-d description] [-t {Dynamic -R host_req | Static -r host[,host...]}]

Adds a new resource group for multidimensional scheduling.

This is an administrative subcommand. You must first log on as cluster administrator before you can issue this subcommand.

Specifies the name of the multidimensional resource group. The name must adhere to the following naming rules:
  • The resource group name must be unique.
  • The resource group name must not use the same name as the resource plan name.
  • The resource group name can only contain the following characters: 0 to 9, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, hyphens (-), or underscores (_). It cannot contain the these characters: \ / : * ? \ " < > | '
  • The resource group name can be a maximum of 64 characters.
Specifies the resource group for multidimensional scheduling.
-d description
The description of the resource group. Default is empty.
-t type
Specifies the type of resource group, which can be either static or dynamic. Default is dynamic. The type is case-insensitive.
-R host_req
Specifies the requirement for the host selection in dynamic resource groups. Default is "", indicating all hosts.
-r host[,host...]
Lists the hosts for the static resource groups. At least one host must be provided.

resourcegroup addhost group_name-r host[,host...] [-s slot_num]

Adds a new host to a resource group (static resource group only) for slot-based and multidimensional scheduling.

This is an administrative subcommand. You must first log on as cluster administrator before you can issue this subcommand.

Specifies the name of the resource group.
-r host[,host...]
Lists the hosts for the static resource groups. At least one host must be provided.
-s slot_num
Optional static number of slots for the hosts being added. If specified, this value will override the group-level slot expression for these hosts.

resourcegroup delete group_name

Deletes a resource group for slot-based and multidimensional scheduling.

Specifies the name of the resource group.

resourcegroup list [-l] [group_name[ group_name ...]]

Lists information about all slot-based resource groups in the cluster. See the subsequent section to list resource groups for multidimensional scheduling.

Lists values for allocated and free slots within a resource group. Detailed usage information includes a breakdown of owned, shared, and borrowed slots (both in-use and unused) in the cluster.
Specifies the name of the slot-based resource group. To specify multiple resource groups, separate the resource group names with a space.

resourcegroup list -MDS [-l] | [-P resource_plan [-slotmap consumer_name] | [-l]]

Lists information about all multidimensional resource groups in the cluster.

Lists multidimensional resource groups.
Lists values for allocated and free units within a resource group. Detailed usage information includes a breakdown of owned, shared, and borrowed units (both in-use and unused) in the cluster.
-P resource_plan
Specifies the name of the multidimensional resource plan that is associated with the resource group.
-slotmap consumer_name
Shows the resource group in the perspective of the consumer's slot mappings.

resourcegroup modify group_name [-d description] [-s slot | -e slot_expr] [-t Dynamic -R host_req] | [-t Static -r host[,host...]]

Modifies an existing slot-based resource group (acts as an override). See the subsequent section to modify resource groups for multidimensional scheduling.

This is an administrative subcommand. You must first log on as cluster administrator before you can issue this subcommand.

Specifies the name of the resource group.
-d description
The description of the resource group. Default is empty.
-s slot
Specifies the number of slots per host. Default is 0 indicating one slot per CPU. Can be a integer greater than 0, indicating the number of slots per host.
-e slot_expr
Specifies the slot expression for the resource group. Default is (ncpu*1) indicating one slot per CPU.
-t type
Specifies the type of resource group, which can be either static or dynamic. The type is case-insensitive.
-R host_req
Specifies the requirement for the host selection in dynamic resource groups.
-r host[,host...]
Lists the hosts for the static resource groups. At least one host must be provided.

resourcegroup modify group_name -MDS [-d description] [-t Dynamic -R host_req] | [-t Static -r host[,host...]]

Modifies an existing multidimensional resource group (acts as an override).

This is an administrative subcommand. You must first log on as cluster administrator before you can issue this subcommand.

Specifies the name of the resource group.
Specifies a multidimensional resource group.
-d description
The description of the resource group. Default is empty.
-t type
Specifies the type of resource group, which can be either static or dynamic. The type is case-insensitive.
-R host_req
Specifies the requirement for the host selection in dynamic resource groups.
-r host[,host...]
Lists the hosts for the static resource groups. At least one host must be provided.

resourcegroup removehost group_name -r host[,host...]

Removes a host from a resource group (static resource group only) for slot-based and multidimensional scheduling.

This is an administrative subcommand. You must first log on as cluster administrator before you can issue this subcommand.

-g group_name
Specifies the name of the resource group.
-r host[,host...]
Lists the hosts for the static resource groups. At least one host must be provided.

resourcegroup view [-MDS] group_name[ group_name ...]

Displays information about all resource groups in the cluster, including the number of hosts in the group, the number of free and allocated slots or units, and detailed usage information describing distribution among consumers.

Specifies multidimensional resource groups.
group_name[ group_name ...]
Specifies the name of the resource group. To specify multiple resource groups, separate the resource group names with a space.