Setting keystore password and private key password

When you specify passwords for SSL files, you can set the password either as plain text or encrypt the password with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

To specify the password in plain text, ensure that the password does not start with {aes}. To specify an AES encrypted password, you can generate an encrypted password using the securityUtility command in the $EGO_TOP/wlp/$WLP_VERSION/bin/ directory.

For example: To encode password 123456 with AES, enter:
$ $EGO_TOP/wlp/$WLP_VERSION/bin/securityUtility encode --encoding=aes 123456

You can now enter: “{aes}AEBIEXOZGSwCkzXNMdqHfnSA4k0wveW2tFwaxUak1Jn1” as the password in the appropriate parameter.