Upgrade in parallel with an existing cluster

A parallel upgrade enables a cluster administrator to install IBM® Spectrum Conductor 2.3.0 alongside an existing cluster, manually copying configuration and working files, and switching over to the cluster running the latest version. The process involves various manual steps and required additional infrastructure (such as hosts and scripts), but unlike a rolling upgrade, your original cluster coexists with the new cluster during the upgrade. After the upgrade, you can move all workload to the new cluster and remove the original cluster.

Supported upgrade paths

You can parallel upgrade from any previous version of the product to another version. With a parallel upgrade, you can upgrade directly to a later product version, without having to upgrade to each sequential version (for example, you can upgrade from IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark 2.2.0 to IBM Spectrum Conductor 2.3.0, without having to upgrade to IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark 2.2.1 first).