What's new and changed in IBM Spectrum LSF RTM Version 10.2

The following topics summarize the new and changed behavior in IBM Spectrum LSF RTM ("RTM") 10.2.

Upgrading IBM Spectrum LSF RTM from Previous Versions

You can upgrade IBM Spectrum LSF RTM to 10.2.0 from version 10.1 or 10.1 FP6.

For more details on the supported upgrade versions, see Upgrading RTM.

Simplified installation

RTM 10.2 has been bundled with Cacti 1.2.4, Syslog 2.3, and Thold 1.3.1. This means that you do not need to download any extra Cacti packages before installing RTM.

For detailed steps, see Installing, upgrading, and migrating IBM Spectrum LSF RTM.

Changes to plugin management

The following obsolete plugins were removed:
  • ptskin
  • Rtmssh
  • Hoverhelp
  • Admin
The following plugins were removed since they are bundled in Cacti 1.2.4:
  • Logout
  • Clog
  • Settings
  • Boost
  • Nectar
  • Superlinks

New GUI theme and look to co-ordinate with other LSF family products

A new graphical user interface has been applied to RTM 10.2, aligning with other LSF family products such as IBM Spectrum Application Center and Explorer.

Host metric feature support

RTM 10.2 has added support for lshosts fields nprocs, ncores, and nthreads. This means three new columns, Sockets, Cores, and Threads, are shown in the Cluster > Host Info > Server page.

RLimit 64 support

IBM Spectrum LSF has supported mem, swap, core file size, stack, data segment size and file size limit extend from 32 bit to 64 bit since version Now, RTM 10.2 can fully support the LSF rlimit extension and users can see the correct data in RTM.

This also means support for a unit extension of ZB in the Grid plugin and Disku plugin.

Enhanced Statistical Dashboard

RTM 10.2 supports exporting graphs in a different format such as PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG and XLS.

Supported new OS in 10.2

RTM 10.2 has added support for the following operating systems:

  • RHEL 8.0 for x86_64 and ppc64le
  • Ubuntu 18.04 for x86_64
  • SLES 15 for x86_64

Performance improvements

The following features have performance improvements in RTM 10.2:
  • Boost 5
  • Gridpend
  • License Daily Statistics

Fixed issues

The following RFEs have been fixed in RTM 10.2: