Installing RTM on RHEL, CentOS, or Scientific Linux

This section refers to RHEL 6.2+ as the operating system on which IBM Spectrum LSF RTM is being installed; however, follow the same steps for CentOS and Scientific Linux®.

Preparing to install IBM Spectrum LSF RTM on RHEL

Perform this task to prepare to install IBM Spectrum LSF RTM.

Before you begin

Important: If you want to enable the SNMP monitor feature in RTM, then you must install the PHP-SNMP and NET-SNMP-UTILS packages. For correct installation on RHEL 6.x or 7.x, download the packages from the Red Hat official site by using your Red Hat Network (RHN) account. The rhel-server-6.x-x86_64-dvd.iso and rhel-server-7.x-x86_64-dvd.iso images do not contain the PHP-SNMP package.
Important: It is recommended that RTM not be installed or run on NFS. It will cause stability issues and could lead to data corruption.


  1. On the RTM host, run the RHEL 6.2 or above installation program.

    For more information, see your Red Hat Enterprise installation documentation.

  2. Ensure that the following packages are selected by default:
    • @ MySQL Database
    • @ MariaDB for RHEL 7.x
    • @ Editors
    • @ System Tools
    • @ Text Internet
    • @ Web Server
    • @ Mail Server
    • @ unixODBC
    • @ mysql-connector-odbc
    Note: Ensure that @ mysql-server or mariadb-server (for RHEL7.x) is installed properly. This is optional if you are using RTM with a remote database.

    After you select the packages, the program proceeds with the installation.

  3. Ensure that the firewall is disabled and port 80 is open. It is also recommended that you disable Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux). If you are not disabling SELinux or allowing port 80 during installation, then you must ensure they are configured appropriately, according to OS specifications. For more details, refer to

What to do next

Attention: RTM is supported only on the version of ODBC that is provided by the OS provider. Therefore, do the following before you install RTM.
  1. Uninstall the unixODBC that you installed. If you have the supported version, then you can skip this step:
    rpm -e --allmatches --nodeps unixODBC mysql-connector-odbc
  2. Install the correct version of unixODBC that is required for RTM:
    yum install unixODBC.x86_64 mysql-connector-odbc #for x86_64 use this
    yum install unixODBC.ppc64 mysql-connector-odbc.ppc64 #for IBM Power Systems use this
    yum install unixODBC.ppc64le mysql-connector-odbc.ppc64le #for IBM Power LE Systems use this

Obtaining the installation files (Required)

Download the necessary RTM installation files to a location on the RTM host.


  1. Log in to the RTM host as root.
  2. Create a directory to store the installation packages.
    For example:
    mkdir -p /mnt/rtm
  3. Download the following RTM packages:
    • rtm-poller-10.1.0-rhel(ver)-x64.tar.gz
    • rtm-server-10.1.0-rhel(ver)-x64.tar.gz
    If you are using RHEL on IBM Power Systems, download the following tar files:
    • rtm-poller-10.1.0-rhel(ver)-ppc64.tar.gz
    • rtm-server-10.1.0-rhel(ver)-ppc64.tar.gz
  4. Download the following third-party files and copy them into the installation directory you created. For example, /mnt/rtm:
    Important: You can install RTM only if you have the following packages downloaded.
    You can download the packages by copying the wget line into your command prompt.
    Note: After you download the packages do not rename any of these files.
    • Cacti v0.8.7g + PIA v2.9.tgz:
    • ADOdb v4.92a.tgz:
      wget --no-check-certificate
    • Boost-v4.3-1.tgz:
      wget --restrict-file-names=windows
    • Clog-v1.6-1.tgz:
      wget --restrict-file-names=windows
    • Nectar-v0.34-1:
      wget --restrict-file-names=windows
    • Settings-v0.71-1.tgz:
      wget --restrict-file-names=windows
    • Superlinks-v1.4-2.tgz:
      wget --restrict-file-names=windows
    • Syslog-v1.22-2.tgz:
      wget --restrict-file-names=windows
    • For Reprise License Manager (RLM) users only - If you are using RLM (version rlmutil v11.0 BL2) and if you want RTM to monitor license services, then:
      • copy RLM_TOP/rlmstat to RTM_TOP/rlm/bin/rlmstat.
      • or copy RLM_TOP/rlmutil to RTM_TOP/rlm/bin/rlmstat.
      Note: If you are using a Windows host for RLM, then download these kits to the Windows host as well:
    • If you are using FlexLM lmstat, then copy FLEXLM_TOP/lmstat to RTM_TOP/flexlm/bin/lmstat.

Installing the IBM Spectrum LSF RTM binaries on RHEL

Perform this task to install the IBM Spectrum LSF RTM packages on the host.


  1. Log in to the RTM host as root.
  2. Make sure that you download all the installation packages as described in Obtaining the installation files (Required) before you run the installation script.
  3. Remove any existing databases on the RTM host.

    This step is necessary because RTM tunes the database configuration to optimize performance based on the specifications of your host. This includes the recreation of the InnoDB log.

    Note: If you have any data on the existing databases that must be retained, back up the database (for example, by using mysqldump) before proceeding.
    Run the following commands to remove the databases from your host:
    service mysqld stop #if you are using MariaDB, then use:service mariadb stop
    rm -f /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*
  4. If the RTM host is not registered with RHN, create a RHEL yum repository using the DVD media. Run the following commands as root:
    Mount a RHEL ISO:
    # mkdir -p /mnt/rhel-iso
    # mkdir /mnt/rhel
    # mount -o loop rhel.dvd.iso /mnt/rhel-iso
    # ln -sf /mnt/rhel-iso/Server/ /mnt/rhel
    Create a yum repository:
    # cd /mnt/rhel/
    # rpm -ivh Server/createrepo*.rpm
    # createrepo -vp
    Create a repository for /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel.repo with the following content:
  5. Go to the RTM installation package directory:
    cd /mnt/rtm
  6. Navigate to the /mnt/rtm directory and uncompress the rtm-server-10.1.0-rhel(ver)-x64.tar.gz tar file.

    tar -zxvf rtm-server-10.1.0-rhel(ver)-x64.tar.gz

    Note: If you are using RHEL on IBM Power Systems, then use this command: tar -zxvf rtm-server-10.1.0-rhel(ver)-ppc64.tar.gz
  7. Edit the install.config file (which is under /mnt/rtm, for IBM Power Systems look under:/mnt/rtm) and configure all the required parameters.
    To configure any optional parameter, uncomment the line and specify the appropriate value. Note that white space is not permitted in LSF_CLUSTERS or LIC_SERVICES names.
    Note: Once you download the RTM and third party packages, configure all the required parameters in the install.config file. The RTM installer will copy, set up, and install the operating system and all dependent packages. It will also complete the post installation tasks, including configuring servers. For advanced settings, configure the parameters in the Advanced section of the install.config file.

    Make sure that the user running apache is a member of the DAEMON_GROUP that you specified in the install.config file.

  8. Run the script to install RTM.
    For example:
    cd /mnt/rtm  #use this for x86_64
    cd /mnt/rtm   #use this for IBM Power Systems
    sh -f install.config
    Note: For silent installation, use
    sh -f install.config -s 
  9. Allow the RTM host to accept syslog messages that are forwarded from other hosts:
    1. Run the iptables command to create an iptables rule for accepting syslog messages from other hosts:
      iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m state --state NEW --dport 514 -j ACCEPT
    2. Save the current iptables rules to the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file:
      service iptables save
      Important: By default, /etc/sysconfig/iptables file does not exist on a newly installed host. Run the service iptables save command to save the current firewall policy to the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file. The /etc/sysconfig/iptables file can be saved only when the iptables service is running.