
Process Manager includes a command line interface you can use to issue commands to Process Manager. You can use commands to submit flow definitions to Process Manager, trigger flows to run, monitor and control running flows, and obtain history information about many Process Manager work items.

Process Manager provides commands for various purposes: creating and editing calendars, manipulating flow definitions, monitoring and controlling active flows, and obtaining history about various work items.

You cannot use commands to create a flow definition.

Calendar commands

You can use the following commands to work with Process Manager calendars:

  • caleditor—to start the Calendar Editor graphical user interface
  • jcadd—to create a calendar
  • jcals—to display a list of calendars
  • jcdel—to delete a calendar
  • jcmod—to edit a calendar

Flow definition commands

You can use the following commands to work with flow definitions:

  • floweditor—to start the Flow Editor graphical user interface
  • jrun—to submit and run a flow immediately, without storing the flow definition in Process Manager
  • jsub—alias for jcommit
  • jtrigger—manually submits a previously committed flow definition
  • jhold—to place a flow definition on hold, preventing automatic triggering of the flow
  • jrelease—to release a flow definition from hold, enabling automatic triggering of the flow
  • jdefs—to display information about flow definitions
  • jcommit—to commit a flow definition
  • jsubmit—alias for jtrigger
  • jexport—exports flow definitions to a file
  • jremove—to remove a flow definition from Process Manager
  • jsetversion—sets the default version of a flow
  • jpublish—to publish target flows for use by dynamic flows and flow arrays
  • junpublish—to unpublish target flows and remove them from the list for use by dynamic flows and flow arrays

Flow monitor and control commands

You can use the following commands to monitor and control flows that are in the process of running or have recently completed:

  • flowmanager—to start the Flow Manager graphical user interface
  • jalarms—to list open alarms
  • jcomplete—to complete a manual job
  • jflows—to display information about a flow
  • jjob—to kill or run a job, or to mark a job complete
  • jkill—to kill a flow
  • jmanuals—to list all manual jobs waiting for completion
  • jrerun—to rerun an exited flow
  • jresume—to resume a suspended flow
  • jsetvars—to change the value of a local or global variable while a flow is running
  • jstop—to suspend a flow

Other commands

  • jid—to verify the connection between the Process Manager Client and the Process Manager Server
  • jadmin—to control the Process Manager daemon on Unix
  • jhist—to view the historic information about server, flow definitions, flows, and jobs.
  • jreconfigalarm—to reload the alarm definitions.
  • jreconfigadmin— to dynamically reconfigure and update the list of administrators.