Configuring the filter method

The configuration in Application Manager is static and defines how the feature operates in the application. For setting up batch filtering, you must configure Application Manager settings CustomJMFilter and CustomMultiGroup.


Define the custom Job Monitor filter by adding the CustomJMFilter and CustomMultiGroup values to the Application Manager.

  1. Open the Application Manager and select the application that you want from the list of applications.
  2. Select the Custom values tab.
  3. In the General string values field, add the custom Job Monitor filter Value name, CustomMultiGroup. Set the value to 0 for exclusive group filtering or set the value to 1 for additive filters. The default value is 1.
  4. In the General string values field, add the custom Job Monitor filter Value name, CustomJMFilter. The appropriate value depends on your database type and filter type. If the custom column in Job Monitor is named, pb_allowed, define the additive or exclusive filter as follows.
    • For additive filtering with Oracle, enter bitand(CAST(pb_allowed As Integer),{0}) = CAST(pb_allowed As Integer)
    • For additive filtering with SQL Server, enter CAST(pb_allowed AS INT) & {0} = CAST(pb_allowed AS INT)
    • For exclusive filtering with Oracle, enter CAST(pb_allowed As Integer) = {0}
    • For exclusive filtering with SQL Server, enter CAST(pb_allowed AS INT) = {0}
    • For exclusive filtering where Group1 is the supervisor group with SQL Server, enter (CAST(pb_allowed AS INT) = {0} OR 1 = {0})
    • For exclusive filtering with MS-Access, enter CInt(pb_allowed) = {0}