IBM Datacap, Version 8.1            

Rulesets, rules, and actions

A ruleset consists of one or more rules. The rule itself is defined by the programmed functions and actions within it.

The default PageID ruleset has two rules, which are PageID and Set Fingerprint Params. You can see the rules that are associated with each ruleset in the Rulesets panel on the Datacap Studio Rulemanager tab.

Rules are assigned to process specific objects in the document hierarchy (for example, to analyze and identify each page).

The default PageID rule consists of one function and two actions. The PageID function first launches the AnalyzeImage action. If AnalyzeImage is successful (returns True), the function launches the FindFingerprint. If AnalyzeImage fails (returns False), the function fails and Taskmaster launches the next function within the rule. In this case, there is not another function, but you could add an exception handling function to handle the error. See Rule Execution.


Last updated: November 2013

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