IBM Datacap, Version 8.1            

Reviewing the RRS log file

If your application did not create the new fingerprint with the zone information, you can check the RRS log file to troubleshoot the problems.

To review the RRS log file:

  1. Open the current batch folder.
  2. Open the file verify_rrs.log.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the file to see the log entries for the AutoFingerprint ruleset.
    ruleset name="AutoFingerprint" id="14" target object="P" target id="TM000014"
    target type="Air_Ticket"
    dco open tag="P" id="TM000014" type="Air_Ticket"
    rule "Create New Fingerprint"
    				func "Function1"
    						action rrCompare ("@P.MatchType","Manual")
    							action returned true     <--Match type is "Manual"
    						action SetFingerprintDir (false,false,"@APPPATH(fingerprint)")
    							load rrx code: "c:\datacap\rrs\autodoc.rrx"
    							action returned true     <--Fingerprint directory established
    						action CreateFingerprint (false,false)
    							action returned true     <--Successfully created the new fingerprint
    						action SetFingerprint (false,false,"@D.TYPE,@P.TYPE")
    							action returned true     <--Set the fingerprint class and page type
    						action iloc_SetZones (false,false)
    							load rrx code: "c:\datacap\rrs\intellocate.rrx"
    							action returned true     <--Successfully saved the new zone information
    						func result: "true"
    				rule result: "true"
    end log to batch


Last updated: November 2013

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