IBM Datacap, Version 8.1            

Assigning the default page level rules to new pages

When you built the document hierarchy, you renamed the default page type from Page to Rental_Agreement, which therefore includes the default rules. However, you must assign rules for the other page types that you created.

To assign the default page level rules to the new pages:

  1. On the Datacap Studio Rulemanager tab, in the Document Hierarchy pane, click Lock DCO.
  2. Expand the document hierarchy so that you can see all the page nodes (Rental_Agreement, Optional_Insurance, Air_Ticket, and Room_Receipt).
  3. In the Rulesets pane, expand each of the rulesets so you can see the rules that they contain (VScan, ImageFix Load Settings, Enhance Image, PageID, and so on).
  4. In the CreateDocs ruleset, select the Create Fields rule.
  5. In the Document Hierarchy pane, select the page node Optional_Insurance. Then, click Add to DCO on the left side of the Rulesets pane. The Create Fields rule is added to the Optional_Insurance page's Open element.
  6. Repeat for the Air_Ticket and Room_Receipt pages.
  7. In the Recognize ruleset, select the Recognize Page rule. Then, add the rule to the Optional_Insurance, Air_Ticket, and Room_Receipt pages.
  8. Repeat to add the Validate: Validate Page, Routing: Routing Rule 1, and Export: Export Page Fields rules to the same pages. Each of the pages now has an Open element.
  9. Click Save.


Last updated: November 2013

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