IBM Datacap, Version 8.1            

Configuring the reports.xml file

The C:\Datacap\RV2\reports.xml file contains a list of the available report types that are displayed in RV2. When you create a new report type, you must add the report type to this file.

To configure the reports.xml file:

  1. Open the file C:\Datacap\RV2\reports.xml in a text editor.

    Each entry in the <k name="reports"> section defines an available report type.

    • name="report" Indicates that the report is displayed
    • name="disabled" Indicates that the report is not displayed
  2. Add an entry for your new custom report. Copy one of the existing entries and then change the v attribute to match the name that you specified in the Report wizard. In this example, the new report is called MyCustomVerify. The entry looks like the following example:

    <k name="report" v="MyCustomReport" key="tmengine:cs" dbtype="0" />

    • The key attribute specifies the key name that is used to identify the engine database connection string in the application configuration file. For Taskmaster 8 installations, the key attribute is tmengine:cs. The actual connection string is the one that is specified on the Taskmaster tab in the Application Service Configuration utility, for example, PROVIDER=MSACCESS;DSN=C:\Datacap\APT\APTEng.mdb;.
    • The dbtype attribute specifies the database type, where 0=Access, 1=SQL, and 2=Oracle. Confirm that you specify the correct database type; Otherwise, filtering by date does not work. Oracle uses the to_char and to_date functions, while SQL and Microsoft Access use the DatePart function. Microsoft Access encloses date values between # symbols, while SQL and Oracle use single quotation marks.
  3. If the report is for a specific application, add the attribute app="application_name" to the report string. For example, <k name="report" v="MyCustomReport" key="tmengine:cs" dbtype="0" app="APT"/>

    If you do not add an app attribute, the report is available for all applications. You can have multiple entries for the same report where the app type is different for each entry. For example:

    <k name="report" v="MyCustomReport" key="tmengine:cs" dbtype="0" app="APT"/>

    <k name="report" v="MyCustomReport" key="tmengine:cs" dbtype="0" app="MyApp"/>

  4. Save and close reports.xml.


Last updated: November 2013

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