Specific to private deployment

Generate RBA server key and certificate request

Follow these steps to generate the RBA server key and certificate request.


  1. Log in to the RBA server.
  2. Create the RBA server key file in a temporary directory. You can use another path if /tmp is not secure enough to temporarily store the new private key file:
    mkdir -p /tmp/rbakeys
    cd /tmp/rbakeys
    openssl genrsa -out rbaServerKey.pem 2048
    Note: The server key file rbaServerKey.pem must not be encrypted using a passphrase.
  3. Create an OpenSSL request configuration file called rbaServerCertReq.config with the following content:
    req_extensions = v3_req
    distinguished_name = dn
    prompt = no
    CN = <FQDN of your RBA server>
    C = <Country Name (2 letter code)>
    L = <Locality Name (eg, city)>
    O = <Organization Name (eg, company)>
    OU = <Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)>
    subjectAltName = DNS:<FQDN of your RBA server>
    You can remove items that are unnecessary for your organization from the list of informational items below the [dn] entry. However, you must include the CN item. You can also add additional informational items (such as email address) according to the OpenSSL specification. Replace the remaining placeholders <...> with the appropriate information. For the CN field, enter the fully qualified domain name of the RBA server, for example, myrbaserver.mycompany.com. In the other fields, enter data that describes your location and organization, in accordance with your company’s security guidelines.
  4. Create the RBA server certificate signing request (CSR) file:
    openssl req -new -key rbaServerKey.pem -sha256 -out rbaServerCert.csr -config rbaServerCertReq.config
  5. Enter the following command to review the CSR file:
    openssl req -in rbaServerCert.csr -noout -text
  6. Verify that the CSR file has a section such as the following:
    Requested Extensions:
                 X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                    DNS:<FQDN of your RBA server>
    In addition, make sure the common name field is set to the FQDN of the RBA server.