Subscribing to the IBM Insights for Weather service

Insights Foundation for Energy uses widgets from The Weather Company. You need to subscribe to the IBM Insights for Weather to receive data for use with these widgets.

About this task

You need to be able to subscribe to Weather Company Data for IBM Bluemix and have the credentials for either a user for Insights Foundation for Energy to be able to use the widgets for the application Wind 360.


  1. Open the Blue Mix portal and subscribe to Weather Company Data for IBM Bluemix under Data and Analysis. You receive the credential information as example:
    { "credentials": { "username":
          "71b23b9c-65de-4c19-9e30-88a344a0bde8", "password": "MtTRzSLW6B", "host":
          "", "port": 443, "url":
          } }
  2. Open the file for editing on the Insights Foundation for Energy Liberty server: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Liberty/usr/servers/framework_server/lib/
  3. Add the credentials to the file. For example:
  4. Save and close the file.