Filter bar

The filter bar contains the controls to filter assets for different criteria, e.g. status, asset class, geography.

You can select the filter control options that are available. The predefined filters are:
  • Time - The period of time for the assets that you want to view.
  • Score type - There are four types: Health, Risk, Failure and Consequences. where Health is the asset health as a percentage, Failure is probability of failure, Consequence is the consequence of failure.
  • Status - Filters for the status for the score type you selected. There are four states, Critical, Warning, OK, No score
  • Geography - Filters the area map that you require.
  • Asset class - Shows the asset class that you want to view for the geographical area.
  • Advanced - You can add your many filters and decide if they should be an And relationship or Or relationship by choosing All criteria or Any criteria.