Filtering assets

The assets displayed on the map or list can be filtered based on selected criteria.

About this task

IBM® Insights Foundation for Energy has the following predefined filter options:
  • Analysis Year
  • Geography
  • Score Type, where Health is the asset health, Failure is probability of failure, Consequence is the consequence of failure.
  • Status
  • Asset Class

Additional filter criteria can be specified using the Advanced option.

To reduce the number of displayed assets to those meeting the desired criteria, do the following.


  1. If the filter bar is not displayed at the top of the page, click the Filter option in the task bar on the bottom of the page. If the task bar is not displayed, display it by clicking the arrow in the circle on the bottom of the page.
  2. Click the desired filter option and select the desired value.
  3. Click Apply.


The map or list view will display the assets meeting the selected filter criteria.

What to do next

To clear all filter values, click Reset All.