Adding cloud groups

Cloud groups create isolated environments, such that workloads running in one group are not affected by workloads running in another group.

Before you begin

You must be assigned System level, Cloud group administration role with permission to Manage cloud resources (Full permission) to add cloud groups.

About this task

You can use the console, the command line interface, or the REST API to complete this task. For the command line and REST API information, see the Related information section.
Important: If there are not enough resources available in the system to satisfy the requirements of the new cloud group, the operation will fail.


  1. Access the console pane. Click Cloud > Cloud Groups.
  2. Click the New icon in the toolbar
  3. Define the cloud group. Provide the following information about the cloud group:
    Provide a name for the cloud group. Each cloud group must have a unique name.
    Provide a detailed description of the cloud group.
    Each type defines how resources are allocated to a virtual machine during deployment. Select one of the following:
    CPU cores and memory are dedicated. No overcommit for memory.
    CPU cores are shared and capped. No overcommit for memory.
    Virtual Manager

    This type of cloud group is not used for deployments. The cloud group resources are reserved for use by external applications managed outside of this system. For details about configuring external application access, see Configuring external application access.

    CPU Ratio
    Select a CPU ratio value to define how finely to divide physical CPUs into virtual CPUs within a cloud group and then click Save. Each cloud group can have a different ratio. By increasing this ratio, it is possible to have more virtual CPUs to distribute when deploying patterns, making it possible to have more deployments. Note, however, that this does not increase the amount of available computing power, but only allows it to be distributed to deployments in finer increments.

    This option is only available when Type is set to Average.

    Important: On already deployed virtual machines in a cloud group, modify the CPU Ratio value when the deployed virtual machines are in the cloud group and when the system is in maintenance mode. If the system is in non-maintenance mode, the value is read-only. If you modify the value without the maintenance mode, the following error message is displayed:
    CWZIP3008E The rack must be in maintenance mode.
    In a cloud group with no deployed virtual machines, modify the CPU Ratio value whether the system is in maintenance mode or in non-maintenance mode.
    Deployment type
    Select one of the following:
    Multi cloud
    Connects the management traffic of a virtual machine to an external VLAN, allowing the traffic to be subject to external routing and firewalls when that traffic crosses VLANs. It also allows virtual machines deployed to this cloud group to communicate with virtual machines in other cloud groups or other systems for the purpose of management and monitoring.
    Single cloud
    Restricts virtual machine management traffic to a private VLAN reserved only for this cloud group and contained entirely within this system

    After the cloud group is created, the Deployment type value becomes permanent.

    Management VLAN ID
    Specify an integer value between 1 and 4094. Ensure that the specified integer value is one that is not already in use in your data center. The VLANs that are already in use are listed in this field. This value is not present if you selected the Multi cloud option on the Deployment type setting.
  4. Click OK. The name of the new cloud group is shown in the left pane of the Cloud Groups pane. The right pane contains the configuration settings for the cloud group.