What's new in StoredIQ for Legal V2.0.3

Learn about the main new features and changes in IBM® StoredIQ® for Legal Version 2.0.3.

The following section also lists any change to existing features. Technical changes and major changes to the text are indicated by an angle bracket in combination with a vertical bar (Start of technical change and End of technical change) at the beginning and end of the new or changed information.

What's new or changed in V2.0.3.14

Interim fix to address log4j vulnerabilities
Applied the interim fix PH42762 on top of WebSphere® Application Server Version to address the log4j vulnerabilities CVE-2021-45046 and CVE-2021-44228
Start of

What's new or changed in V2.0.3.13

Email confirmation settings
You can configure the connection to the email server to allow custodians to confirm the hold notice by email. Learn more...
Exporting and importing configurations
You can export and import the configurations from one StoredIQ for Legal system to the other system. Learn more...
Restricting the date ranges of custodian, client, and shared data
Ensure that the overridden date range of custodian, client, and shared data must be within the date range that is specified in the data request. Learn more...
Non-custodial data request
You are provided with the support for non-custodial data requests, which also includes client, and shared data. Learn more about ...data request templates, attributes, creating data requests, refining data requests, mapping, creating the mapping, and viewing data requests.
Configuring connection to the IBM StoredIQ server with new connection settings
Specify the fully qualified hostname, port number, and SSL connection settings. Learn more...
Compliance messages
You can see the compliance messages in each and every page of the StoredIQ for Legal application. Learn more...
Error codes and messages
The error codes, and messages documentation is delivered with the product installation, and can be accessed using the link in the description from Admin > Logging page.
Additional alerts
Additional monitors are added that check for disk space availability, scheduled tasks, and JVM heap consumption. Learn more...
Searching matters by the status of data requests
You can search and find only the matters that contain the data requests, which are in open or closed state using Advanced search. If you choose Open, you can find the data requests that are in draft or refine states.
Reports refresh frequency
The system administrator can refresh or update the reporting database frequently. You can refresh for any small intervals like, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, or 4 hours. You can check the predefined frequency list to choose before refreshing. In addition, you can check the report refresh statistics like previous, completed, or next scheduled run in both global and matter specific report sections.
Resizable comments text box
In task comment text box, you can adjust or resize the height of the text box to accommodate huge text by dragging the resize handler.
End of change

What's new or changed in V2.0.3.12

Confirmation messages of the task actions
A new confirmation dialog is introduced when you submit the work package. In addition, you can configure the confirmation messages for the task action buttons like, Approve, or Decline. Learn more...
Selection of data request types for interactively created matters
You can use the predefined set of data request types for the matter, which is created interactively. Learn more..., and Learn more...
Edit multiple fulfillment items
You can edit multiple fulfillment items in your work package. Learn more...
Ability to download the CSV files
You can export the data requests, data request information, work packages, and notifications in custodian portal as CSV files. Learn more..., Learn more..., and Learn more...
Swagger UI REST API documentation
Swagger UI is introduced for public REST APIs that are already published in the KC, and can be accessed by using the following URL, https://(siq4l server):9443/swagger/index.html. For more information about Swagger UI, see https://swagger.io/tools/swagger-ui/.
Upgrading SIQL (VM and Container)
Updated instructions for upgrading StoredIQ for Legal for both VM and Container. Learn more..., and Learn more.... Also, Learn more...
Report refresh incremental approach
The table entities, notice, and noticemessagehistory are refreshed incrementally for better performance. Learn more...
Custodian portal enhancement
You can set the default filter of custodian portal in system settings. The set option is available as default when the user accesses the custodian portal. Learn more...
Custom format support for date range
You can define custom format for the date ranges attribute type through CSV import. Learn more...

What's new or changed in V2.0.3.11

Archival of closed matters
You can archive the closed matters from the system to improve overall performance. After the matters are archived, they can be maintained separately and viewed in the reports. Learn more...
Escalation notification
You can send out the escalation mails to be routed to a person other than the manager. Learn more...
Generating external ID of matter automatically
You can set the external ID and display settings of matter in system settings. Learn more...
Recommended display settings
An additional display setting is supported for accessibility. Learn more...
Save confirmation dialog in fulfillment item form
You can see a confirmation dialog when you move away from a fulfillment item. Learn more...
Accessing the data requests by using URL
You can access data requests by using URL from the workflow. You can also construct the URL to access hold notices, interviews, or any type of data requests. Learn more...
Override the data source category per custodian
You can override the data source category per custodian after you enable the option in system settings. Learn more...
Data sources with multiple categories
You can now select multiple datasource categories in data source catalog. The data source categories attribute is added to fulfillment item, work package and in reporting views also. See Data to import: Target entities. Also, Learn more...
Data sources category reduction
You can reduce data source category after submission of data request when no work package exists. Learn more...
Enabled prefix search
You can enable the prefix search in System settings if you want to search for a string with the prefix. Learn more...
Create reports by using archival views
The archive database reporting views provide a relational view of the data that is archived from the StoredIQ for Legal system. To learn more about the archive reporting views, see the respective subsections of the Creating reports by using archival views section.
Freeze custodian information of data requests
The administrator can configure the custodian key attributes for preservation by enabling the snapshot of custodian information. Learn more...
Python upgrade
Python2 is upgraded to Python3.x. This leads to changes in usage of import tool, Learn more... , and migration tool. Learn more...
Replaced Textbox.io rich text editor with TinyMCE
The Textbox.io rich text editor is replaced by TinyMCE editor, related to accessibility information. Learn more...

What's new or changed in V2.0.3.10

Additional deployment type
As an alternative to deploying the product as a virtual appliance on a VMware hypervisor, you can now also deploy a containerized version of IBM StoredIQ for Legal in a Red Hat® OpenShift environment. Basically, the functionality is the same for both deployment types. Where it is necessary to differentiate between the deployment types, the virtual appliance is referred to as StoredIQ for Legal (VM) and the containerized version is referred to as StoredIQ for Legal (Container). Learn more...

A set of administration scripts is provided with StoredIQ for Legal (Container). Learn more...

Automatic cleanup of import requests
Once a month, IBM StoredIQ for Legal checks for import requests older than 1 month and deletes such import requests along with any associated attachments.
Bulk transfer of tasks
You no longer have to assign or reassign tasks one by one but can transfer sets of tasks in one go. Learn more...
Customizable instructions for the Have Questions? links in the custodian portal
You can now provide customized information to be displayed when users click any of the Have Questions? links. Learn more...
Customizing form field behavior
You can now customize form field behavior in the user interface instead of exporting the form to make such changes in the JSON file and importing the updated form. Learn more...
Export people list
You can now export (filtered) person lists from the people and group catalogs to a CSV file. Learn more...
Fulfillment connector advanced settings
You can now set the logging level for fulfillment connectors where each connector can have a different one. The available levels correspond to the standard StoredIQ for Legal logging levels. Learn more...
Larger values for the result size attribute allowed
The GUI input field based on the result size attribute now accepts numbers up to a maximum of 9007199254740991 as input.
Limiting the release scope by date range
As a configurable option, release data requests can now be limited to specific date ranges. Such reduction is possible at the data request level, at custodian level, or at fulfillment item level. Learn more...

Additional columns in the rep_fulfillment_view reporting view were introduced for this feature.

New parameter for the migration tool
The StoredIQ for Legal deployment type is a new positional parameter for the migration tool. Learn more...
New starting action for workflows
The new starting action Person - Update can be used to trigger a workflow whenever person attributes are updated in StoredIQ for Legal.
New workflow services method
The matter workflow service has a new method that you can use to retrieve some statistical information about the matters in the system. Learn more...
Server discovery connectors
If you use server discovery services to have your workflows automatically create fulfillment items, you can now register such services with StoredIQ for Legal and manage the respective jobs in the GUI. Learn more...

New audit events were also introduced for this feature.

Silent custodians in hold notices
You can now include custodians on silent hold in active hold notices. Such custodians are called silent custodians; they are not notified of the active hold. Silent custodians appear in all matter statistics so that the custodian counts on preservation and on holds now match at all times. Learn more...

New audit events, new target entities for import, and the rep_notice_silent_custodians_view reporting view were also introduced for this feature.

Snapshots of custodian information
You can now configure StoredIQ for Legal to take a snapshot of the person attribute values for a custodian in a data request to make changes in the person history during the lifetime of a data request visible. Learn more...
Tools for managing the size of string attributes
StoredIQ for Legal now provides scripts to check the size of custom string attributes and to change the size if necessary. Learn more...
Updated import command line interface (CLI)
The import CLI was updated to version 1.3.0 to support imports into StoredIQ for Legal instances that are deployed on Red Hat OpenShift. When registering a client, you must now provide the deployment type as an argument. Learn more...

What's new in V2.0.3.9

Direct links to document sets in IBM StoredIQ
If you have IBM StoredIQ for Legal set up to work with IBM StoredIQ for fulfilling data requests, you can now enable direct links to the resulting document sets in IBM StoredIQ for closer examination. This option is part of the IBM StoredIQ connection settings and works for IBM StoredIQ installations at version or later. Learn more...
Maintenance mode
You can now put IBM StoredIQ for Legal in maintenance mode to prevent users from signing in during maintenance. Learn more...
Release preservation
This new feature allows to release data after the legal obligation to preserve it is removed. It must be explicitly enabled and cannot be disabled again. Learn more...

The feature introduces a new type of data request, the release data request, along with the option to create the respective forms, workflows, and templates. Release data requests can be created for completed preservation or preservation and collection data requests. You can release all or part of the data that is preserved for a matter. Learn more...

A new audit event and additional columns in the rep_datarequest_view and rep_fulfillmentitem_view reporting views were also introduced for this feature.

Reopening matters
You can now configure whether you want to allow users to reopen matters after they were closed. Learn more...
Support of additional VMware platforms
IBM StoredIQ for Legal can now also be deployed and managed in VMware vSphere 6.5.
System alerts
IBM StoredIQ for Legal now provides system alerts for several issues. You can view such alerts in the Admin section. In addition, you can enable alert notification. Learn more...
Welcome message
You can now provide a welcome message to your users, which is displayed whenever they sign in to IBM StoredIQ for Legal. Learn more...

What's new in V2.0.3.8

Deletion of task comments and attachments

In the task view, users can now delete task comments and attachments. A new system setting defines whether this feature is turned on or off. By default, it is turned off for upgrade installations and new installations.

Migration of requests from IBM Atlas Policy Suite

In addition to notices and interviews, you can now also migrate requests IBM Atlas Policy Suite to IBM StoredIQ for Legal. Learn more...

New workflow services methods

The data request workflow service has two new methods that you can use in combination with existing workflow service methods to clone a data request, update the new data request, and submit it within a workflow script. Learn more...

The matter workflow service has three new methods that you can use to retrieve a list of the notices, the interviews, or the data requests within a matter. Learn more...

What's new in V2.0.3.7

Attributes for additional objects

A basic set of attributes is now available for interviews that you can customize and expand by adding your own custom attributes.

Interview attributes appear in a separate Interview Information page. Attributes with a specific data type can be included as system variables in interview templates and interviews. Learn more...

Fulfillment automation

IBM StoredIQ for Legal now provides the means to fully automate fulfillment of work package items, for example, submitting the fulfillment items within a work package to a ticketing system or submitting them to other fulfillment tools that support automatically preserving or collecting items. You can define different levels of automation: full automation, a combination of manual and automatic fulfillment, or no automation. Fulfillment automation is implemented by using IBM StoredIQ for Legal Policy Syndication Framework and the IBM StoredIQ for Legal Policy Syndication SDK. Learn more...

Key-based access control

For an extra level of security, you can now restrict access to a matter based on specific keys such as a location code. Learn more...

Access to reports can also be based on keys depending on the report definition. Learn more...

Migration of interviews from IBM Atlas Policy Suite

In addition to notices, you can now also migrate interviews IBM Atlas Policy Suite to IBM StoredIQ for Legal. Learn more...

New user preference option
In the User Preferences section, you can now enable a multi-select filter option for the work packages list. If enabled, you can select a set of data source categories for which you want to view work packages. Learn more...

What's new in V2.0.3.6

Migration of notices and notice-related information from IBM Atlas Policy Suite

Notice transmission and response records are now also migrated and attached to the migrated notice as CSV files. The migration tool provides a new option for updating already migrated notices with that information.

In addition, you can now migrate notices that are stored in IBM Db2® in IBM Atlas Policy Suite. Supported Db2 versions are version 10.5 and later. Learn more...

New filtering option for work packages

When you submit several work packages at once, it might take some time until all of these work packages have the status Open. Therefore, you can now filter the list of work packages for those that still have the status Submitted to check the progress. Learn more...

New user preference option
In the User Preferences section, you can now configure which information is displayed in the work packages list. You can specify different settings for draft, open, completed, or canceled work packages. Learn more...
Support for iPhone mobile devices

You can now access the custodian portal also on an Apple iPhone 8 mobile device to view and respond to notifications by using the Safari iOS web browser. Learn more...

What's new in V2.0.3.5

Additions to the import API

The import API includes the following additions:

  • When you import people by using persondistinct target entity, you can now specify an alias to directly create relationships. Learn more...
  • Cleanup of person history information. Learn more...
  • New target entities persondistincthistory and persondistinct_delete. Learn more...
Migration of hold notices from IBM Atlas Policy Suite

If you want to move from IBM Atlas Policy Suite to IBM StoredIQ for Legal for hold notice management, migrate hold notices. Learn more...

For migrated notices, also a new built-in report and new reporting views for custom reports are provided.

Person history

In a person history, change records reflect updates to a person's profile. You can configure whether a change history view is available in the user interface and whether changes to person attributes are tracked automatically. Learn more...

A new person history report and a corresponding reporting view for custom reports are also available.

Report definition enhancements

You can now create custom reports for specific hold notices, interviews, or data requests by adding the ilg_rpt_entitySpecific=true property and the appropriate entitytype and entityid definitions to your report design.

What's new in V2.0.3.4

Adding multiple files at once

You can now define a custom attribute that allows for selecting multiple files to be added at once, for example, when you add attachments to matters.

Additional information in the matter list

The matter list now also provides information about the numbers of open and closed data requests in a matter.

Attributes for additional objects

A basic set of attributes is now available for hold notices and tasks that you can customize and expand by adding your own custom attributes.

Hold notice attributes appear in a separate Notice Information page. Attributes with a specific data type can be included as system variables in hold notice templates and hold notices. Learn more...

Task attributes define what is displayed in the task list on the Tasks page. They can also be used to tailor your task queries. Learn more...

Filtering on canceled tasks and work packages

Tasks that you canceled are no longer grouped with the tasks that you completed but are now listed in a separate Canceled Tasks page.

In addition, you can filter the list of work packages by canceled work packages. Learn more...

Modifying published hold notices

You can now update published hold notices and republish them as required. Learn more...

New naming conventions for exported files

The default names of files that are created by StoredIQ for Legal now follow a new naming convention. The new format ensures that you can uniquely identify such files and avoids accidental overwrites with new exports. Learn more...

New reports and reporting views
Several predefined cross-matter and matter-specific reports were added:
  • Active Matter Summary Report
  • Custodian Non-Confirmed Hold Notice - Matter Detail
  • Global Hold Reminder Report
  • Master List Report
  • Notice Confirmation Report
  • Notice History Report
  • Notice Recipients List
  • Organization Structure Report
  • User Audit Report
  • User Information Report
  • User Login Report
Learn more...
In addition, several reporting views were added in these categories:
  • Hold notice views
  • Interview views
  • Global hold reminder views
  • Organization structure views
To learn more about the new reporting views, see the respective subsections of the Creating and viewing reports section.
Sending copies of hold notice or interview messages

You can now send copies of the messages in published hold notices and interviews to members of your team for informational purposes.

Separate pages for task comments and activities and for attachments that are associated with a data request
Each data request now has two additional pages:
  • A Task Information page to provide you with an overview of all task comments, attachments, and activities pertaining to a data request. This information is also provided at work package level.
  • An Attachments page to provide you with an overview of all attachments that are associated with the data request and for quick access to these attachments.
Learn more...
Support of mobile devices

You can now access the custodian portal on an Apple iPad tablet computer to view and respond to notifications by using the Safari iOS web browser. Learn more...

Task search enhancements

Using Advanced Search on the Tasks pages, you can now create, save, share, load, and delete custom task queries. Learn more...

Tracking negative identification results

You can now also create and track work packages when no data is identified on the data source for a specific custodian. Learn more...

What's new in V2.0.3.3

Duplicate data requests

Instead of creating a data request from scratch, you can duplicate an existing one. Learn more...

Work package status and progress

To provide a better overview of the status and progress of the work packages, more details are now available in the GUI: on the Matters and Data Requests dashboards and on the page where the work packages are listed. Each new detail is defined as an attribute on the Data Request Attributes or Work Package Attributes page.

What's new in V2.0.3.2

Add data sources to several custodians

You can now add data sources to several custodians at a time and remove data sources from several custodians. Learn more...

Audit events

More audit events have been added. Learn more...

Clean up history-related data

You can now clean up the department hierarchy and the employment history by removing all changes that you made on and after a specific time stamp. Learn more...

Configurable person information

You can now select the person attribute that is used as an additional descriptor in person selection lists, so that the person can be clearly identified. In addition, you can configure which information is displayed when hovering over a name.

Custom matter attributes for use as system variables

Custom matter attributes with a specific data type can be included as system variables in hold notice templates, hold notices, interview templates, and interviews, regardless of whether those attributes were added in V2.0.3.2 or earlier. Learn more...

Customizations to the reporting database

You can now apply customizations to the reporting database by storing a customization file in SQL format in the StoredIQ for Legal system. Learn more...

Escalation in hold notices and interviews

If a custodian does not respond to a hold notice or an interview, the custodian's manager can be informed. You can now specify which follow-up message prompts the escalation.

Export and import attribute information

You can now export and import the information for predefined and custom attributes. Learn more...

Global hold reminder

Instead of sending a reminder for each hold notice, you can consolidate a custodian's reminders. Due to this function, the layout of the hold notice and the hold notice template has slightly changed. Learn more...

Monitoring statistics

New REST API endpoints provide a statistics about the StoredIQ for Legal objects in the database. Learn more...

New mapping attribute for data import by using the import API

To resolve references to an item in another target entity or set of target entities, the readallitems attribute now determines how the cache is populated. Learn more...

Override global information when adding custodians to a data request

When you add existing custodians from a CSV file to a data request, you can now override the custodian priority, the date ranges, and the fulfillment instructions. Learn more...

People's involvement in matters

Each UI page that lists people or custodians shows whether a person is involved in a matter and has any hold obligations. In addition, you can find out which hold notices, interviews, and data requests that the person is involved in. Learn more...

Script for changing the report administrator password

StoredIQ for Legal now provides a console tool for changing the report administrator password. Learn more...

Shared resources for reports

You can now make BIRT stylesheets, or property and library files available as shared resources for all your custom reports. This provides for a common look and feel of your reports.

Split work packages

You can now split the work packages that are created for a data request. Learn more...

Status history

When you view a published hold notice, the Status column provides access to each custodian's status history. This history reflects all status updates for the selected custodian.

Terminate workflow instances

You can now view a list of all active workflow instances to identify and terminate instances that were active for longer than expected.

What's new in V2.0.3.1

Ad hoc import of people in interviews

You can now also use the ad hoc import to add custodians to an interview. The custodians must be able to sign in to StoredIQ for Legal. Learn more...

Configurable confirmation link

You can now configure confirmation pages with or without the Contact me link by including the respective system variable in the content section of your hold notice template or hold notice.

Data source categories in data requests

If the workflow that is used by a data request generates a list of data source categories, the selection of data source categories in data requests can be made optional. Learn more...

Import of people

Each person in the catalog is uniquely identified by an attribute. You must now select the person attribute that is used as identifier before you can import any people from the directory server or by using the import API. Learn more...

More details about audit events

More workflow-related details are now available about an audit event. Learn more...

New API privileges

To use the import API, you now need additional privileges. These privileges are not necessary for the ad hoc import of people. Learn more...

New reporting view

The new Jurisdiction view (rep_jurisdiction_view) provides details about the jurisdictions that are defined in StoredIQ for Legal. Learn more...

New target entity and default import mapping

A default import mapping is available for the new target entity interview_custodians_adhoc. Learn more...


You can now configure SAML single sign-on (SSO) if no internal or external LDAP server exists. Learn more...

Scope for custodian search

For simple searches in the people catalog, you can now exclude specific columns from search. Right-click a column header and clear the Searchable checkbox.

Submitting sets of work packages

Besides submitting individual work packages, you can now submit all or a subset of work packages at once. Learn more...

What's new in V2.0.3.0

Attributes expansion
  • In addition to person attributes, a process administrator can now customize attributes for data sources, data requests, fulfillment items, work packages, organizations, matters, servers, and applications.
  • A process administrator can now customize new default person attributes like job title, employment status, termination date, and a planned return from leave date. A variety of new choice list data types are now available as well.
Learn more...
You can view details about the actions that were recorded. Learn more...
Client registration for REST APIs
A programmer that is using the import REST API must now register their client with StoredIQ for Legal. Learn more...
Copying templates and forms to another system
You can now copy hold notice templates, interview templates, and data request forms to another system by exporting and importing them. Learn more...
Courtesy copies of hold notices
You can now send hold notices to people who are not on hold, such as managers of the custodians. Learn more...
CSV import of custodians to add
When a paralegal adds or updates the custodians on a notice, interview, or data request, the paralegal can now opt to add all of the custodians at once, in bulk, from a delimited CSV text file. This option is useful for notices, interviews, or data requests that require a large number of custodians. Note that for the custodians to be added successfully, they must exist in the StoredIQ for Legal system. When selecting the CSV file to upload, you can also download a sample CSV file to use as a template. Learn more...
CSV import of roles, organization trees, person history, matters, and data sources
A programmer can now create or update entities such as roles, organization trees, person history, matters, and data sources in StoredIQ for Legal by importing a delimited CSV text file. A programmer can also import a CSV text file to assign roles. Learn more...
CSV import of people
You can now import people from a CSV file. Learn more...
CSV import of security groups
A programmer can now create or update security groups in StoredIQ for Legal by importing a delimited CSV text file. Learn more...
CSV import of data source applications and data source servers
A programmer can now create or update data source applications and data source servers in StoredIQ for Legal by importing a delimited CSV text file. Learn more...
Custodian-related actions across all matters
You can suspend and resume all hold notices and all interviews for selected custodians. You can conclude all interviews for selected custodians. In addition, you can release selected custodians from all hold notices. Learn more...
Custom reporting by using reporting views
You can run specific queries on the StoredIQ for Legal database in order to customize your own reports. Learn more...
Custom reports
StoredIQ for Legal supplies predefined reports. You can now import report definitions to create custom reports. Learn more...
Data boxes now require data box privileges and data locales
To create view and manage data boxes, you now need View Data Boxes and Manage Data Boxes privileges. To configure data source types for data box requests to be fulfilled by StoredIQ for Legal, you must now go to Admin > Content Settings > Data Locales instead of Admin > Content Settings > Data Request. Learn more...
Data request forms
You can now create forms from scratch. Learn more...
Data requests
You can now create requests for identifying data, preserving data, collecting data, or preserving and collecting data. The requests are fulfilled manually by a fulfillment team. You need a StoredIQ for Legal e-discovery for IT license to use this data requests feature. Learn more...
Data request automatic refinement
You can now automatically refine a data request by adding data sources for a custodian with additional custodian-related information for the data source by using a CSV file. Learn more...
Data request fulfillment results
You can now add fulfillment results from a CSV file. Learn more...
Disaster recovery
You can set up an ESX-based disaster recovery solution for StoredIQ for Legal that uses vSphere replication. Learn more...
Global messages
A process administrator with the Manage Content Settings privilege can now create two types of global messages to inform StoredIQ for Legal users: broadcast messages (important News alerts to signed-in users) and compliance messages (non-distracting reminder messages that display on every screen). Learn more...
People and data sources can now share a common jurisdiction attribute that starts with a default selection of countries and country codes. A process administrator with Content Settings privileges can customize the exact list of jurisdictions to allow or hide for your organization. Learn more...
Licensed programs
StoredIQ for Legal now supports integration with the IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) for programs that are licensed by User Value Unit (UVU). If you do not have a license for a particular program, then a system administrator can hide all of the functions for that program. Learn more...
Limited-access reports
You now need a new View limited-access reports privilege (previously called View Sensitive reports) to run or view reports with secure information in them, such as custodians-on-hold reports. Learn more...
Logs command line arguments
The /siq/bin/logs command features new command line arguments. Learn more...
Matter lists, task lists, custodian lists
You can now export matter lists, task lists, and custodian lists as CSV. Learn more...
Matter reports
The reports on custodians, hold notices, and the audit history of a matter have been removed from the Reports page. Learn more...
Matter security
You can now restrict access to matters by using security groups or by creating sensitive matters. Planning for secure matters
Message editor enhancements
  • You can now insert certain system variables in the message subject line for notices and interviews.
  • You can now apply style and add images to interview question text.
  • You can now resize and align images.
  • You can now click the Check Accessibility button to identify simple accessibility issues in the text.
Metrics and health checking
StoredIQ for Legal now provides REST API endpoints to return metrics and health checks. Learn more...
Notification settings for a system administrator
In the Email Server panel, a system administrator with the Manage External Servers privilege can now specify a From address and a Reply to address for emails that are related to custodian, alert, and system notifications. Learn more...
The View Users and Roles and Manage Users and Roles privileges has changed. Part of their scope is now covered by the new privileges View People and Manage People. Learn more...
Report formats
Depending on the report definition, reports can now be created in the following formats: CSV, HTML, or PDF. Learn more...
Reporting database
The reporting database can now be refreshed more often than once a day. Learn more...
Resume hold notices
You can now resume a hold notice that was suspended. As a result, messages are sent to custodians again according to the original schedule. Learn more...
Scripts now require the system administrator password
Most of the console tools now prompt you for the system administrator (ilgadmin) password, unless you already set it at the command line. Learn more...
Single sign-on
To prevent unauthorized access to StoredIQ for Legal in a SAML single sign-on (SSO) environment, you can ensure that people must authenticate again when they try to access StoredIQ for Legal in the same browser where they signed out. You can now specify a URL that invalidates a session in your SSO environment as part of your system settings.
Suspend and resume a hold notice or interview for specific custodians
You can now suspend and resume hold notices or interviews for specific custodians. Performing a suspend on custodians pauses the hold notice or interview from sending any further messages to them, and resume ends the suspension and sends messages again according to the original schedule. Learn more...
Suspend and resume interviews
You can now suspend an interview to pause it from sending any further messages to the custodians. To end the suspension and send messages again according to the original schedule, resume the interview. Learn more...
System settings additions
In the system settings page, a system administrator can now configure settings such as licensed programs to hide, reporting database scheduling, security groups, the maximum file size for attachments, and an option to specify your own URL for help information. Learn more...
All StoredIQ for Legal users can now manage tasks from the new Tasks page. Users can complete tasks, assign new tasks, claim or return tasks, or approve or reject approval tasks. Managing tasks
User preferences
In the new User Preferences option under your username, you can now configure personal Notification Settings and Out of Office Settings. Learn more...
Viewing users by role
You can now view all users that have the same role. Learn more...
Workflow definitions
A process administrator with the Manage Workflow Definitions privilege can import workflow definitions. Workflows are required by data requests. In addition, workflows can be associated with an action that relates to a matter, a hold notice, or an interview, for example, requiring an attorney to give approval before a matter can be closed. Learn more...