essinstallcheck command

Performs ESS install check.


essinstallcheck { -N NODE-LIST } [ --prefix PREFIX ]  
                [ --get-version ] [ --suffix SUFFIX ] 
                [ --syslog] [ --srv-events ] 
                [ --platform-events EVENTLIST ] 
                [ --close-platform-events CLOSEEVENTLIST ]
                [ --net-errors ] [ --errthld ERROR-THRESHOLD ]
                [ --dropthld DROP-THRESHOLD ] [ --monitor ] [ -h | --help ]


Available with IBM Elastic Storage® System (ESS).


The essinstallcheck command checks various aspects of the installation.


Provides a list of nodes to run the check.
--prefix PREFIX
Provides a host name prefix. Use = between --suffix and value if the value starts with -.
Provides the ESS package version.
--suffix SUFFIX
Provides the host name suffix. Use = between --suffix and value if the value starts with -.
Logs output to syslog (/var/log/messages). Default no logging to syslog.
Shows the serviceable events. When selected, only this option is run.
--platform-events EVENTLIST
Provides platform event details.
--close-platform-events CLOSEEVENTLIST
Closes the provided platform event details.
Checks for the network error counts. When selected, only this option is run.
Provides packet error threshold in percent during net-errors check.
Provides packet drop threshold in percent during net-errors check.
In this mode, outputs are only logged in to syslog. The stdout is turned off.
-h | --help
Displays usage information about this command and exits.

Exit status

Successful completion.
A failure has occurred.


You must have root authority to run the essinstallcheck command.


  1. This example shows running install check to obtain installed package version.
    # essinstallcheck -N localhost --get-version
    Start of install check
    nodelist:  localhost
    Node: localhost                  Installed version:              ess5000_6.0.1.0_0807-14_dme
    [PASS] essinstallcheck passed successfully
  2. This example shows example output of check running on an I/O node in the ess_x86_64 group.
    # essinstallcheck -N c145f08zn01
    Start of install check
    nodelist:  c145f08zn01
    Checking nodes.
    ================== Summary of node: c145f08zn01 =============================
    [INFO] Getting system firmware level. May take a long time...
    [INFO] Getting system profile setting.
    Installed version:                               ess5000_6.0.1.0_0721-16_dme
    [OK] Linux kernel installed:                     4.18.0-147.13.2.el8_1.ppc64le
    [OK] Systemd installed:                          239-18.el8_1.5.ppc64le
    [OK] Networkmgr installed:                       1.20.0-3.el8.ppc64le
    [OK] Mellanox OFED level:                                MLNX_OFED_LINUX-4.9-
    [OK] IPR SAS FW:                                 19512900
    [OK] ipraid RAID level:                          10
    [OK] ipraid RAID Status:                         Optimized
    [OK] IPR SAS queue depth:                        64
    [OK] System Firmware:                            FW941.00 (VL941_031)
    [OK] System profile setting:                     scale
    [OK] System profile verification PASSED.
    [OK] rsyslog logging is already configure
    [OK] Host adapter driver:              
    [OK] GNR Level:                         efix3
    Performing Spectrum Scale RAID configuration check.
    [OK] mmvdisk settings match best practices.
    [OK] GNR callback events:
    Can not obtain ip address of the FSP node:  c145f08zn01
    Can not obtain ipmt pw of node:  c145f08zn01
    [ERROR] Static IP check (Error communicating with FSP)
    [OK] New disk prep script: /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/tspreparenewpdiskforuse
    [OK] Network adapter MT4121 firmware: 16.27.2008, net adapter count: 6
    [OK] Network adapter firmware
    Obtaining storage firmware versions from IO nodes. May take a long time...
    [OK] Host adapter 0x3180 firmware:, host-adapter count: 5
    [OK] Enclosure 5147-092 firmware: E557,E557, enclosure count: 2
    [OK] Drive ST800FM0183 firmware: 4036, drive count: 2
    [OK] Drive HUH721010AL4200 firmware: J6R7, drive count: 182
    [OK] Storage system firmware
    [OK] Node is not reserving KVM memory.
    End of install check
    [ERROR] essinstallcheck detected error in system. Please review output carefully.

