Data Structures

The InfoSphere® DataStage® API uses the data structures described in this section to hold data passed to, or returned from, functions. (See Data Structures, Result Data, and Threads). The data structures are summarized below, with full descriptions in the following sections:

This data structure... Holds this type of data... And is used by this function...
DSCUSTINFO Custinfo items from certain types of parallel stage DSGetCustinfo
DSJOBINFO Information about a job DSGetJobInfo
DSLINKINFO Information about a link to or from an active stage in a job, that is, a stage that is not a data source or destination DSGetLinkInfo
DSLOGDETAIL Full details of an entry in a job log file DSGetLogEntry
DSLOGDETAILFULL Full details of an entry in a job log file, including the message ID and the invocation ID DSGetLogEntryFull
DSLOGEVENT Details of an entry in a job log file DSLogEvent, DSFindFirstLogEntry, DSFindNextLogEntry
DSPARAM The type and value of a job parameter DSSetParam
DSPARAMINFO Further information about a job parameter, such as its default value and a description DSGetParamInfo
DSPROJECTINFO A list of jobs in the project DSGetProjectInfo
DSREPOSINFO A list of design time jobs DSGetReposInfo
DSREPOSUSGE A list of design time jobs satisfying a relationship DSGetReposUsage
DSSTAGEINFO Information about a stage in a job DSGetStageInfo
DSVARINFO Information about stage variables in transformer stages DSGetVarInfo