Information icon IBM InfoSphere DataStage and InfoSphere QualityStage, Version 8.5
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Generates a report describing the complete status of a valid attached job.


int DSMakeJobReport(
   DSJOB JobHandle,
   int ReportType,
   char *LineSeparator,
   DSREPORTINFO *ReturnInfo);


JobHandle is the value returned from DSOpenJob.

ReportType is one of the following values specifying the type of report to be generated:

This value...
Specifies this type of report...
Basic, text string containing start/end time, time elapsed and status of job.
Stage/link detail. As basic report, but also contains information about individual stages and links within the job.
Text string containing full XML report.

LineSeparator points to a null-terminated character string specifying the line separator in the report. Special values recognized are:

"CRLF" => CHAR(13):CHAR(10)

"LF" => CHAR(10)

"CR" => CHAR(13)

The default is CRLF if on Windows, else LF.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is DSJE_NOERROR.

PDFThis topic is also in the IBM InfoSphere DataStage Programmer's Guide.

Update timestamp Last updated: 2010-09-30