Information icon IBM InfoSphere DataStage and InfoSphere QualityStage, Version 8.5
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Generates a report describing the complete status of a valid attached job.


ReportText = DSMakeJobReport(JobHandle, ReportLevel, LineSeparator)

JobHandle is the string as returned from DSAttachJob.

ReportLevel specifies the type of report and is one of the following:

By default the generated XML will not contain a <?xml-stylesheet?> processing instruction. If a stylesheet is required, specify a ReportLevel of 2 and append the name of the required stylesheet URL, that is, 2;styleSheetURL. This inserts a processing instruction into the generated XML of the form:

<?xml-stylesheet type=text/xsl" href="styleSheetURL"?>

LineSeparator is the string used to separate lines of the report. Special values recognized are:

The default is CRLF if on Windows, else LF.


If a bad job handle is given, or any other error is encountered, information is added to the ReportText.


h$ = DSAttachJob("MyJob", DSJ.ERRNONE)
rpt$ = DSMakeJobReport(h$,0,"CRLF")

PDFThis topic is also in the IBM InfoSphere DataStage Programmer's Guide.

Update timestamp Last updated: 2010-09-30