Information icon IBM InfoSphere Foundation Tools, IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version 8.5
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Reading command-line syntax

This documentation uses special characters to define the command-line syntax.

The following special characters define the command-line syntax:
[ ]
Identifies an optional argument. Arguments that are not enclosed in brackets are required.
Indicates that you can specify multiple values for the previous argument.
Indicates mutually exclusive information. You can use the argument to the left of the separator or the argument to the right of the separator. You cannot use both arguments in a single use of the command.
{ }
Delimits a set of mutually exclusive arguments when one of the arguments is required. If the arguments are optional, they are enclosed in brackets ([ ]).
  • The maximum number of characters in an argument is 256.
  • Enclose argument values that have embedded spaces with either single or double quotation marks.
For example:
wsetsrc[-S server] [-l label] [-n name] source
The source argument is the only required argument for the wsetsrc command. The brackets around the other arguments indicate that these arguments are optional.
wlsac [-l | -f format] [key... ] profile
In this example, the -l and -f format arguments are mutually exclusive and optional. The profile argument is required. The key argument is optional. The ellipsis (...) that follows the key argument indicates that you can specify multiple key names.
wrb -import {rule_pack | rule_set}...
In this example, the -l and -f format arguments are mutually exclusive and optional. The profile argument is required. The key argument is optional. The ellipsis (...) that follows the key argument indicates that you can specify multiple key names.

Update timestamp Last updated: 2010-10-8