Using a response file with istool export and istool import commands

When some or all of the assets that you specify in your command are not exported to an archive file, or cannot be imported from an archive file, the details of the failed assets are written to a response file. You can fix the problems and then run the command again with the -responseFile parameter to export or import the assets.


Partial failures of exports and imports can occur for a variety of reasons, including lack of permissions for the asset types, timeouts due to database overloads, and network issues. Using a response file saves time because you don't have to reexport or reimport assets that were successfully imported or exported. You transfer only those assets that were written to the response file.

You can specify the -responseFile parameter with istool export and istool import commands for asset types, and with the -all parameter.

The -responseFile parameter is not supported for InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog categories, terms, information governance rules, and information governance policies.


You must have the required roles to import or export whatever types of assets are in the response file. These are the same roles that were required to run the original command successfully.

Using a response file to export assets

The response file for exports is saved with the name archive_file_name_export_response.json, where archive_file_name is the name that you specified for the -archive parameter. The response file is saved to the same directory as the archive file for the export.

A list of the assets that did not export is written to the istool console. You can use the information in the console to determine why the assets were not exported and to fix the problems. Then you can export only the failed assets to the archive by using the -responseFile parameter.

For example, after an export command in which some of the assets failed to export to the archive file archive1.isx, the following command exports common metadata assets that are listed in the response file archive1_export_response.json to the archive file. If the specified archive file already exists, the archive is updated with the assets from the response file. If the specified archive file does not exist, a new archive is created that contains the assets that are listed in the response file.

export -dom ABC:9443 -username user1 -password pass1 
-archive "c:\archive1.isx" -rf "c:\archive1_export_response.json" -cm ''
The following command exports assets from the response file that was created when some extension mapping documents failed to export to the archive file allEMD.isx. The command exports the extension mapping documents from the response file allEMD_export_response.json. The assets from the response file are exported to a new archive file, remainder_allEMD.isx.
export -dom ABC:9443 -username user1 -password pass1
-ar "c:\archive\remainder_allEMD.isx" -responseFile "c:\allEMD_export_response.json" 
-igc '/*/*.emd'

Using a response file to import assets

The response file for imports is saved with the name archive_file_name_import_response.json, where archive_file_name is the name that you specified for the -archive parameter. The response file is saved to the same directory that you specified for the archive file to import.

A list of the assets that did not import is written to the istool console. You can use the information in the console to determine why the assets were not imported. Then you can import only the failed assets by using the -responseFile parameter. You must specify both the archive file and the response file on the command line.

For example, after an import command in which some of the assets failed to import from the archive file archive1.isx, the following command imports all assets from the response file archive1_import_response.json.

import -dom ABC:9443 -username user1 -password pass1 
-ar "c:\archive1.isx" -rf "c:\archive1_import_response.json" -all

If some of the asset are not imported after running the command, the same response file is overwritten with the list of assets that were not imported.