Approving assets

When an editor requests publishing of an asset, an approver must approve it before the asset can be published to the data catalog.

About this task

Before the assets are sent for publishing, a user with the approver role must review them and decide whether it's safe to publish them to the catalog. You can approve new assets, changes to existing assets, or deletion requests.

Required role
You must have one of the following roles:
  • Information Governance Catalog Administrator
  • Information Governance Catalog Glossary Author. When you want to delete a term or category with this role, you must have permissions to the parent category of the deleted category or term.
Additionally, you must have the Approver workflow role assigned.
Tip: To see all assets that are pending approval, in Catalog select asset types, and in the search results list use advanced filter Workflow status.


  1. Go to Workflow.
  2. Select the task that you want to work on.
    You can sort the list by the following factors:
    • Recently opened
    • Due soon
    Alternatively, the actions to approve or reject assets are also available in the details page of the asset.
  3. Review the request and do one of the following steps:
    • To approve the asset, click Approve new asset, Approve changes, or Approve deletion. The asset is sent for publishing approval, or deletion approval.
    • To reject the asset, click Reject draft, Reject changes, or Reject deletion and provide a justification. When you reject the asset, the workflow process is started again, and an editor must apply further changes to the asset.