Searching for assets

When you search for assets, you can select many asset types and apply filters like created by, modification date, labels, and others.

About this task

Information Governance Catalog searches for the enterEd string in most of the asset properties. The results are displayed in the drop-down list. When you press Enter, you're redirected to the results page. You can narrow down the results by using filters such as creation and modification dates, stewards, labels, or custom attributes.

When you enter a keyword, you can sort search results by name in ascending and descending order, and by the best match. When you sort by the best match, first assets with the exact match are displayed, and then the assets with the highest number of matching words. Asset name is the most relevant property in this sorting, but other properties, for example description, are also taken into account.

When you open Catalog > Assets, in the My recently viewed assets view, you can see the last five assets for which you opened the details page in IGC New. This view is specific to the currently logged in user. The Last activity column shows when the asset was last modified and who modified it.
Special characters
When you include a special character in the search string, it is treated literally and does not have any function. For example, when you type bank*, the search engine searches exactly for this string, not for assets that start with bank.


  1. Go to Catalog > Assets.
  2. Select the asset types that you want to search for.
  3. Enter the search string in the search field. As you type, suggested results are displayed. If you find the asset that you are looking for, click it to open its details page.
  4. If you don't know the exact name of the asset that you're looking for, use one of the following ways:
    • To display all assets of a given type, select the asset type and click the search icon, or click the search field and press Enter.
    • To search for a keyword, type the keyword in the search field and click the search icon, or press Enter. By default, the results are sorted by the best match.
    In the Filter results pane, you can use Advanced filters to narrow down search results. Specify the filters that are valid for your query.
    • The filters Created by, Modified by, Stewards, and Label are case-sensitive.
    • When one asset type is selected, you can filter assets by using custom attributes of all types.
  5. When workflow is enabled and you view glossary assets, you can display assets with the following states:
    • All assets - assets of all states.
    • Draft assets - newly created assets that don't have published versions.
    • Modified assets - asset that were published and then edited.
    • Published assets - assets that all users can view in the catalog
  6. Optional: Download the results to a CSV file. The downloaded file contains the filtered results, up to 3000 assets. Select asset types in the Filter results panel, and click the download icon.