Importing rule sets

You can use asset interchange to import rule sets into your project.

Before you begin

A starter set of rule sets is available to your project by default. You can import more predefined rule sets from the metadata repository by using asset interchange.

Use asset interchange commands to import files. You run the installation commands from the following directory: \IBM\InformationServer\Clients\istools\cli.


  1. Go to the rule set listing in the directory path: \IBM\InformationServer\Server\PXEngine\QSRules.
  2. Locate the asset interchange archive file that you want. The file name format for rule sets is as follows: QSRules_RegionName or GenericName_Version_Release.isx For example, you might see this file: QSRules_Peru_8_5.isx.
  3. Import the rule set into your project by typing the following command from a command prompt on the computer where the client tier or engine tier is installed:
    Option Description
    Windows istool.bat import -domain domain_name -username login_name -password password -archive "archive_file_name_with_path" -datastage "server/project"
    Linux, UNIX istool import -domain domain_name -username login_name -password password -archive "archive_file_name_with_path" -datastage "server/project"


Here is an example of the command you type to import the rule sets:
istool import -domain MYSERVER
 -username dsadm1 -password qsadmin1
 -archive "opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/PXEngine/QSRules/QSRules_Mexico_8_5.isx"
 -datastage "MYSERVER/RulesMgmt"

What to do next

The next step is to open the Designer client and to provision the rule set before you attempt to use it in a job.