Installing IBM InfoSphere Information Server software

IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server includes a set of collaborative product modules and components that can be distributed across multiple computers.

To learn about the installation process:
  1. Review the system requirements.
  2. Review the Release Notes for the latest information to ensure successful installations.
  3. Read this planning, installation, and configuration material to perform the installation.

The following table provides road maps for different InfoSphere Information Server installation paths.

Table 1. Installation information road maps
Task Information resources
Install the most recent version of InfoSphere Information Server

You do not have any existing versions of InfoSphere Information Server and you want to install the most recent version.

Installation scenarios
These scenarios describe how you might implement different configurations of IBM InfoSphere Information Server.
Planning to install IBM InfoSphere Information Server
Review system requirements. Learn about software tiers and components. Design your topology, and determine your installation strategy.
This section includes detailed software installation checklists for different topologies.
Setting up the tier computers
Prepare each of your computers for the components that you will install on them. Determine which database system to install or repurpose. Also determine which application server to install or repurpose.
Creating highly available, scalable configurations
Use this section if you plan to implement high availability or scalability for different software tiers, or if you plan to configure the InfoSphere Information Server parallel engine to use multiple computers.
Installing IBM InfoSphere Information Server software
Run the InfoSphere Information Server installation program on each target computer and verify the installation. Also install components that the installation program does not install.
Configuring InfoSphere Information Server software
Complete additional configuration tasks for the product modules that you installed or the features that you want to enable.
Add an additional product module to an installation of the most recent version of InfoSphere Information Server

You have already installed InfoSphere Information Server and you want to add an additional product module.

Planning to install IBM InfoSphere Information Server
Review system requirements to ensure that your existing installation meets all requirements. Add hardware if necessary.
Setting up the tier computers
Prepare each of your target computers for the components that you will install on them.
Installing IBM InfoSphere Information Server software
Run the InfoSphere Information Server installation program on each target computer and verify the installation. Select the additional product modules that you want to install. Also install components that the installation program does not install.
Configuring InfoSphere Information Server software
Complete additional configuration tasks that correspond to the product modules that you installed or the features that you want to enable.
Add a component that is not included in the InfoSphere Information Server installation program to an installation of the most recent version of InfoSphere Information Server

You have already installed InfoSphere Information Server and you want to add an additional component from the same release, one that is not included as part of the installation program.

Installing components that are not in the suite installation program
Some components have their own installation programs. You install these components after you install InfoSphere Information Server.
Upgrade from an earlier version of InfoSphere Information Server

You have an earlier version of InfoSphere Information Server and you want to upgrade.

Migrating to IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version 11.5
To upgrade from an older version, install the most recent version of InfoSphere Information Server and then migrate your data to the new installation.
Remove a product module or an entire installation of the latest version of InfoSphere Information Server
Removing IBM InfoSphere Information Server software
Run the InfoSphere Information Server software removal program on each target computer.
Troubleshoot InfoSphere Information Server installation issues
Troubleshooting InfoSphere Information Server software installation
Resolve installation problems with this installation troubleshooting information. You can find more troubleshooting information in the information centers and customer support technotes for various product modules and components. For more information, refer to Running the ISALite tool to verify the installation and troubleshoot.