Running InfoSphere Information Analyzer jobs from the command line

You can use the command line interface to invoke the scheduling service of IBM® InfoSphere® Information Analyzer, without logging into the InfoSphere Information Analyzer client.

You can integrate the execution of InfoSphere Information Analyzer activities, by issuing commands from the command line interface without having a client connection to that particular project environment. Use this utility to run:
  • Column analyses
  • Table analyses
  • Cross-table analyses
  • Reports
  • Data rules or data rule sets
  • Metrics
You can also use the utility to obtain a list of reports, data rules and data rule sets for a particular project.

By issuing commands from the command line interface, you can integrate the execution of InfoSphere Information Analyzer activities into a script, an external application, or a standard system scheduler.

To run InfoSphere Information Analyzer jobs, start the command line interface, and specify the following command:
iaJob  –user username -password password  -isHost hostname -port port_number <options>
iaJob is the location of the InfoSphere Information Analyzer command line utility, which is usually found where the Application Service Backbone (ASB) Server and Node are located. <options> is one of the following options that you can specify:
Lists all InfoSphere Information Analyzer projects by name.
-lexecutables project_name
Lists all executable quality components, such as data rules and rule sets, in a given project, by name.
-lprojectInfo project_name
Lists information about a particular project.
-lexecutableInfo project_name executable_name
Lists information about a particular executable control, such as a data rule or a data rule set.
-run project_name executable_name
Runs a particular executable control, such as a data rule or a data rule set.
-runBundle bundle_name
Runs a given bundle. A bundle is a file that contains the information about the analysis to run. You create the bundle by using the InfoSphere Information Analyzer client. Use this option to invoke packaged column analyses, table analyses, and cross-table analyses, as well as data quality analysis with data rules, data rule sets, or metrics.
-lreports project_name
Lists all of the reports for a given project. If you do not specify a project name, then all reports will be displayed, and grouped by project.
-runReports async report_identifier
Runs a report by the report's identifier. You can specify the optional keyword async if you want to run the report in asynchronous mode.
Note: The option fields are case sensitive. All project_name and executable_name variables need to be declared in quotation marks.