The restructure library

InfoSphere® DataStage® features ten operators that modify the record schema of the input data set and the level of fields within records.

Table 1. Restructure Operators Listing
Operator Short Description See
aggtorec groups records that have the same key-field values into an output record The aggtorec operator
field_export combines the input fields specified in your output schema into a string- or raw-valued field The field_export operator
field_import exports an input string or raw field to the output fields specified in your import schema The field_import operator
makesubrec combines specified vector fields into a vector of subrecords The makesubrec operator
makevect combines specified fields into a vector of fields of the same type The makevect operator
promotesubrec converts input subrecord fields to output top-level fields The promotesubrec operator
splitsubrec separates input subrecords into sets of output top-level vector fields The splitsubrec operator
splitvect promotes the elements of a fixed-length vector to a set of similarly-named top-level fields The splitvect operator
tagbatch converts tagged fields into output records whose schema supports all the possible fields of the tag cases. The tagbatch operator
tagswitch The contents of tagged aggregates are converted to InfoSphere DataStage-compatible records. The tagswitch operator